1 November 1996

USARC Regulation 350-2


History. This is the initial printing of USARC Reg 350-2.

Summary. This regulation prescribes United States Army Reserve Command (USARC) policy, responsibilities, and procedures for intelligence training of United States Army Reserve (USAR) intelligence units and soldiers.

Applicability. This regulation applies to Headquarters, USARC, its major subordinate commands (MSCs), and all USAR units. This regulation impacts on unit readiness and mobilization. Local reproduction is authorized.

Proponent and exception authority. The proponent of this regulation is the Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence (DCSINT). The proponent has the authority to approve exceptions to this regulation that are consistent with controlling law and regulation.

Supplementation. Supplementation of this regulation is prohibited without prior approval from Commander, USARC, ATTN: AFRC-IN, 3800 North Camp Creek Parkway SW, Atlanta, GA 30331-5099.

Interim changes. Changes to this regulation are not official unless authenticated by the USARC, Deputy Chief of Staff for Information Management (DCSIM). Users will destroy interim changes on their expiration date unless superseded or rescinded.

Suggested improvements. Users are invited to send comments and suggested improvements on DA Form 2028 (Recommended Changes to Publications and Blank Forms) directly to the Commander, USARC, ATTN: AFRC-IN, 3800 North Camp Creek Parkway SW, Atlanta GA 30331-5099.


Brigadier General, USA
Chief of Staff


Colonel, GS
Deputy Chief of Staff,
Information Management

CONTENTS(Listed by paragraph number)

Chapter 1
Purpose 1.1.
References 1.2.
Explanation of abbreviations 1.3.
Objectives 1.4.
Background 1.5.
Responsibilities 1.6.

Chapter 2
Training policy 2.1.
Training approach 2.2.

Chapter 3
Contributory Support
Background 3.1.
Army Reserve Military Intelligence Support Element (ARMISE) 3.2.
Ground Force Readiness Enhancement (GFRE) 3.3.

Chapter 4
Connectivity Infrastructure
Background 4.1.
Connectivity sites 4.2.

Chapter 5
Mission Management
Background 5.1.
Missions 5.2.

Chapter 6
Training and Operations Plan (TOP)
Background 6.1.
Preparation of the TOP 6.2.

Chapter 7
Training Calendars, Plans, and Funding
Required Individual Training Plan 7.1.
Annual Training (AT) Plan 7.2.
Yearly Training Calendar (YTC) 7.3.
Five Year Training Calendar 7.4.
ARISC Support Plan 7.5.
Intelligence funding 7.6.

Chapter 8
Army Reserve Intelligence Support Center (ARISC)
Purpose 8.1.
Mission 8.2.
Goals 8.3.
Responsibilities 8.4.
Priorities 8.5.
ARISC training management cycle 8.6.
General qualifications for ARISC training 8.7.
Training requirements and opportunities 8.8.
Orders and duty status 8.9.
Attendance Scheduling 8.1.0.
Training Review Boards (TRBs) and procedures 8.1.1.
Annual training, language maintenance, and other uses 8.1.2.
Unit ARISC program management 8.1.3.

Chapter 9
Language Training
Goals and standards 9.1.
Responsibilities 9.2.

Appendix A

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Chapter 1


1.1. Purpose

This regulation establishes training goals, objectives, and tasks for USARC military intelligence (MI) units and staffs. It also promotes standardized training for USARC MI units and intelligence staffs, and provides guidance for the conduct of Contributory Support. See ARs 3501 and 35041, FORSCOM Reg 3502, and the FM 25series publications.

1.2. References

Required and related publications are listed in appendix A.

1.3. Explanation of abbreviations

Abbreviations used in this regulation are explained in the glossary.

1.4. Objectives

a. To ensure that USARC MI units, intelligence staffs, and soldiers are qualified to perform intelligence missions and individual duties throughout the total spectrum of conflict from peacetime to operations otherthanwar (OOTW) to full scale war.

b. To prescribe procedures for the use of intelligence training assets.

1.5. Background

Good intelligence is a force multiplier that is critical for the prevention of conflicts and the successful resolution of military operations. With the end of the Cold War and its relatively predictable and focused threats, timely and accurate intelligence has assumed even greater importance. Areas and events having an impact on United States national security interests have greatly multiplied in terms of numbers of targets. types of intelligence to be produced, and the means of developing that intelligence. These factors are occurring at a time of increased peacetime commitments and significantly reduced forces. U.S. Army Reserve (USAR) elements and soldiers are significant resources that must assume a greater role in satisfying peacetime intelligence requirements. Focusing in peacetime on critical intelligence tasks and skills, together with Contributory Support, develops and sustains readiness while meeting critical peacetime intelligence requirements.

1.6. Responsibilities

a. Department of the Army (DA) DAMI provides overall guidance and direction in all matters related to MI training and language requirements.


(1) Approve affiliated USAR MI unit Mission Essential Tasks List (METL).

(2) Provide training assistance and opportunities.

(3) Coordinate intelligence collection and production requirements for WARTRACEaffiliated USAR MI units and staff sections.

c. U.S. Army Forces Command (FORSCOM).

(1) Director of Operations establishes Reserve Component (RC) training policies and provides staff supervision of United States Army Reserve Force School Program.

(2) Director of Intelligence establishes FORSCOM language training policies and provides staff supervision of the FORSCOM Language Program (FLP).

d. Army Reserve Military Intelligence Support Element (ARMISE) coordinates, tracks. and resources U.S. Army Reserve Intelligence Contributory Support to Active Component (AC) and national level intelligence organizations.

e. Commander, USARC will

(1) Ensure the readiness of USAR forces to meet premobilization proficiency goals.

(2) Plan, program, and budget for the execution of USAR training in the USARC major subordinate commands (MSC).

f. USARC Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence (DCSINT) will

(1) Provide management, direction, and oversight for the Army Reserve Intelligence Support Centers (ARISCs), Army Reserve Military Intelligence Support Element (ARMISE), Reserve Forces Intelligence School (RFIS), MI training funding, Contributory Support, MI training, Ground Force Readiness Enhancement (GFRE), security policies and programs, and the Military Intelligence Augmentation Detachment (MIAD).

(2) Attend policy and oversight boards, publish training guidance, and coordinate with subordinate intelligence units.

g. USARC Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations (DCSOPS) will provide operational guidance and requirements to the USARC DCSINT.

h. Regional Support Commands (RSCs) will

(1) Provide base operations and publish orders for MI units and facilities within their geographic regions.

(2) Receive, account for, and execute MI funding and provide timely reporting to the USARC DCSINT.

(3) Maintain functional staff liaison with the USARC DCSINT staff.

i. Army Reserve Intelligence Support Centers (ARISCs) will

(1) Provide secure facilities with sensitive

compartmented information facilities (SCIFs), and facilitators for the enhancement and refresher training of MI hardskilled USARC soldiers.

(2) Facilitate Contributory Support efforts.

j. The First and Fifth Continental United States Armies (CONUSAs) ensures that adequate training resources are identified and provided to USAR Military Intelligence (MI) units and intelligence staff sections.

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Chapter 2


2.1. Training policy

Leaders and soldiers must be technically and tactically proficient. Commanders will concentrate on military occupational specialty (MOS) qualification, language proficiency and sustainment of skills. Soldiers requiring remedial training to perform at their skill level will be enrolled in the appropriate training.

2.2. Training approach

a. General. The MOS skills in Career Management Fields (CMFs) 33, 96 and 98 are highly perishable. Their acquisition and sustainment place heavy demands on soldiers and available training resources. Training priorities must reflect the commitment of resources needed to sustain critical skills at levels consistent with postmobilization plans for USARC MI units. The MI units must sustain a readiness level such that training required in advance of deployment can be completed during the scheduled time available between mobilization and deployment. A maximum of 4 years after MI unit activation is allowed to reach this goal. All echelons will use the following priorities in planning the training program.

b. Priority One. Area of concentration (AOC)/MOS qualification/Duty MOS Qualification (DMOSQ), to include foreign language, of all unit personnel within 4 years of unit activation or individual accession into the unit (based on the availability of school quotas and funds). This timetable will be strictly enforced by the chain of command. The noncommissioned officers (NCOs) and officers must also develop knowledge and understanding of doctrine, organization, equipment, and employment of assets and personnel. Individuals will either become AOC/MOS and language qualified within this time frame or be removed from the position in accordance with AR 135382. The USARC goal for DMOSQ of all RC soldiers is 85 percent. Each unit will ensure that at least 65 percent are duty MOS qualified within 3 years to facilitate collective training.

c. Priority Two. Sustainment training on critical intelligence systems and data bases necessary for the conduct of peacetime Contributory Support and/or post mobilization missions, as determined by the WARTRACE or gaining command. This may be accomplished through a variety of methods, including formal courses, mobile training teams (MTTs), training at ARISCs or inunit training. The MI hardskill soldiers will attend training at their regional ARISC a minimum of 24 Unit Training Assemblies (UTAs) per training year. The USARC MI unit's Training and Operations Plan (TOP) and/or Mission Essential Tasks List (METL) will identify the necessary systems and levels of proficiency.

d. Priority Three. Contributory Support missions. Contributory Support is that support provided by USARC MI units and soldiers to AC warfighters and national level agencies that materially contributes to their intelligence requirements, operations, or databases. This is to be the primary activity during inactive duty training (IDT), annual training (AT), and active duty for training (ADT) for USARC MI units and soldiers who have met minimum DMOSQ, foreign language proficiency, and intelligence systems qualification requirements. Soldiers who have not attained this level may participate in limited Contributory Support missions with their unit to the extent that is feasible. This participation will not delay attainment of higher priority individual training requirements. Soldiers not duty MOS qualified, including foreign language proficiency, will not participate in individual Contributory Support missions.

e. Priority Four. Essential premobilization intelligence and/or METL tasks. These are critical collective and individual training tasks that cannot be satisfactorily accomplished through Contributory Support and cannot be accomplished during scheduled training between mobilization and deployment. The USARC MI unit commander will determine these tasks based on WARTRACE guidance.

f. Priority Five. Participation in Overseas Deployment Training (ODT) or in support of field training exercises of supported AC organizations. When such training is in direct support of the WARTRACE, it will be considered Contributory Support. Such ODTs and exercises should be reflected in the unit's TOP. NonWARTRACE requests for support will be submitted through and approved by the USARC MI unit's RSC.

g. Priority Six. All other training requirements and tasks that are not essential for the conduct of Contributory Support, or other requirements not mentioned in Priorities One through Five.

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Chapter 3

Contributory Support

3.1. Background

Consistent with the above training priorities, the centerpiece of USARC MI training is Contributory Support. Contributory Support is the support provided by USAR MI units or soldiers to satisfy the intelligence requirements of AC warfighters and national level agencies through direct or indirect involvement in operations or exercises.

a. Purpose. The purpose of Contributory Support is to increase the wartime intelligence readiness of the Reserve Component (RC) by supporting AC and national level intelligence requirements.

b. Conduct of Contributory Support. Contributory Support, geared to wartime readiness, is the primary activity of all USARC MI units and soldiers during IDT and AT periods. The ARMISE will evaluate other training and activities not related to Contributory Support to determine what can be eliminated or deferred to post mobilization training.

c. Unit versus individual Contributory Support. Contributory Support can be accomplished by MI units or individual soldiers. The emphasis for units is to conduct collective training either as units or as teams. This supports the primary purpose of readiness by improving collective capabilities and unit cohesion, as well as individual skills.

d. Flexible drilling and funding. Within regulations, unit commanders and mission managers will use maximum flexibility in scheduling duty and in the use of funding to accomplish Contributory Support missions. Elements providing administrative support to MI units and soldiers conducting Contributory Support will streamline personnel accounting and scheduling procedures. Administrative and logistical support will be the responsibility of the Contributory Support customer whenever possible.

3.2. Army Reserve Military Intelligence Support Element (ARMISE)

The Army Reserve Military Intelligence Support Element (ARMISE) is the intelligence operations management cell within the USARC DCSINT. The ARMISE is responsible for the overall coordination of Contributory Support by USAR MI units and soldiers through resource management, project oversight and requirements processing.

a. The ARMISE will

(1) Serve as the single point of entry to the USAR MI force for Contributory Support requests other than WARTRACE. Primarily, these requests come to the ARMISE from AC units and national level agencies. The ARMISE will validate and prioritize requests for support with known USAR MI capabilities. The ARISC will provide detailed information and coordination.

(2) Maintain broad oversight of the Contributory

Support process in the USAR.

(3) Prioritize and allocate funding and manpower for Contributory Support projects through participation in intelligence funding allocation processes.

(a) GDIP. The ARMISE will coordinate execution of projects approved by the Production Resource Allocation Board (PRAB) for GDIP funding.

(b) DIRP. As part of the DIRP Working Group, the ARMISE will review, prioritize, and allocate funding and manpower for DIRP funding, as well as coordinate execution of approved projects.

(4) Assist in resource management and leveraging of USAR MI capabilities throughout CONUS, including troop program unit (TPU), Individual Mobilization Augmentee (IMA), and Individual Ready Reserve (IRR) soldiers.

(5) Allocate critical resources to timesensitive requirements.

(6) Review and report the Contributory Support effort annually.

(7) Determine the "Value Added" of completed Contributory Support projects to both the RC unit or soldier and the AC or national level customer.

b. ARMISE relationships. The ARMISE exercises no direct authority over the five ARISC or the USAR MI force in general. It does, however, provide information and recommendations to the USARC DCSINT directly, which may influence guidance to subordinate commands and units. The ARMISE may undertake special projects at the direction and authority of the USARC DCSINT.

c. Clearinghouse role. The ARMISE provides coordination and oversight of Contributory Support missions by the USAR MI force. The majority of the coordination occurs at the local level, with USAR MI units working directly with their WARTRACE counterparts. The supporting ARISCs are heavily involved in supporting these missions, tracking activity and capability within their regions, and coordinating with local units to support Contributory Support missions.

3.3. Ground Force Readiness Enhancement (GFRE)

a. The GFRE plan is a new FORSCOM development between the AC and the RC. The partnership provides AC and RC TDA units that will significantly improve premobilization training and provide a structure for postmobilization collective training.

b. Each ARISC will be provided Title 11 (AC) soldiers who are responsible for providing training assistance and evaluation to all MI RC modification table of organization and equipment (MTOE) units for small unit collective training (LANES), and computerassisted command and staff training of units associated within each ARISC's regional area. Additional information concerning the GFRE program will be provided upon completion of the FORSCOM concept plan and/or regulation.

c. ARISC sites and telephone numbers:

(1) Northeast (NE) ARISC Fort Dix, NJ, Commercial (609) 5623044, DSN 9443044, (800) 7567608.

(2) North central (NC) ARISC Fort Sheridan, IL, Commercial (847) 2662604, DSN 4592604, (800) 3245864.

(3) Southeast (SE) ARISC Fort Gillem. GA, Commercial (404) 3623169, DSN 7973169, (800) 8730490.

(4) Southwest (SW) ARISC Camp Bullis, TX, Commercial (210) 2217549, DSN 4717549, (800) 5954234.

(5) West (W) ARISC Camp Parks, CA, Commercial (510) 5514601.

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Chapter 4

Connectivity Infrastructure

4.1. Background

Connectivity Infrastructure is the network of intelligence training and operations sites located throughout the country, tied together electronically by sophisticated intelligence and communication systems. The Reserve Connectivity Execution Plan (directed through the Defense Intelligence Agency's (DIA) Joint Reserve Intelligence Integration Project (JRIIP) office) fields Joint Worldwide Intelligence Communications Systems (JWICS) to 28 sites to support Reserve Intelligence. These sites are existing centers of intelligence activity by Reserves from all services. They include Army AC intelligence facilities. the five ARISCs, and RC and AC intelligence facilities from other services. This connectivity infrastructure will allow USAR units and soldiers to conduct Contributory Support missions with stateoftheart communications.

4.2. Connectivity sites

a. The current 28 connectivity sites are:

(1) NC ARISCFT Sherdian, IL
(3) NE ARISCFT Gillem, GA
(4) SW ARISCCamp Bullis, TX
(5) W ARISCCamp Parks, CA
(6) Ft Lewis, WA
(7) Denver, CO
(8) Draper, UT
(9) Phoenix, AZ
(10) Minneapolis, MN
(11) Pittsburgh, PA
(12) Dallas, TX
(13) New Orleans, LA
(14) Ft Campbell, KY
(15) Memphis, TN
(16) Detroit, MI
(17) Columbus, OH
(18) Jacksonville, FL
(19) Willow Grove, PA
(20) South Weymouth, MA
(21) Ft Devens, MA
(22) Little Rock, AR
(23) Camp Pendleton, CA
(24) Norfolk, VA
(25) Quantico, VA
(26) Whidbey Island, WA
(27) Orlando, FL
(28) Birmingham, AL

b. The above sites comprise the current list of total approved sites at publication time.

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Chapter 5

Mission Management

5.1. Background

Mission management includes the procedures for passing specific Contributory Support requests and requirements to the USARC MI force and the conduct of specific missions.

5.2. Missions

a. Requests versus requirements. Contributory Support missions originate as intelligence requirements of Warfighters and national level agencies. Prior to mobilization, the USARC MI belongs to the USARC chain of command and as such, cannot be tasked in a strict sense to do specific Contributory Support missions. Such support must be initially requested, with the final decision to accept the mission resting with the USARC unit commander or soldier in the case of IMAs and IRRs. This, however, should not imply a voluntary system of Contributory Support by USARC units and soldiers. In the case of direct support (DS) missions, the only question will be feasibility. The DS relationship implies a state of obligatory cooperation where even though the USARC unit or soldiers are not officially assigned to their WARTRACE, they are ordered by their USARC chain of command to accept missions and respond to taskings and guidance from the WARTRACE to the limit of their capability and with USARC guidance and regulations. The USARC MI units and soldiers have more leeway in accepting or declining mutual support (MS) missions, particularly if that would impact on their support to the WARTRACE. In the case of GS missions, any obligatory cooperation between the USARC unit or soldiers and the AC requester is limited to the specific mission.

b. Mission validation. When the ARMISE receives a request for Contributory Support, the first step is to validate the request. This validation is in terms of being necessary to meet the requester's requirements. Beyond identification of obvious duplications of effort, USARC validation is based on two considerations:

(1) Is the mission feasible in terms of USARC unit soldier capabilities? This is based upon the time sensitivity of the mission, necessary resources, and possible conflicts with other requirements and commitments.

(2) Does the mission support wartime readiness? While it is not necessary that all Contributory Support missions have a direct linkage to wartime readiness, that is the first priority and should be considered before accepting a mission. Where a choice exists, missions that offer a direct benefit to wartime readiness should be accepted before any others.

c. Direct support (DS) missions. Requests for Contributory Support from a Warfighter or national agency to their DS unit, go directly to that unit, with information to the ARISC and USARC chain of command. The USARC MI unit is responsible for gaining permission from the USAR chain of command to conduct the mission. Feasible missions disapproved by the USARC chain of command will be reported to the ARISC. The ARISC will forward information to the USARC DCSINT for resolution.

d. Mutual support (MS) missions. Requests for Contributory Support from other than WARTRACE or DS organizations are directed to the ARMISE. The ARMISE will initially screen the requests for feasibility and suitability, and determine the appropriate USARC assets for the mission. The ARMISE will work closely with the ARISCs, who will have more detailed knowledge of the assets and activities in their regions.

e. Quality control. In all missions, the AC requester determines the standard for a satisfactory product and applies quality control. The unit and supporting ARISC will apply reasonable quality control and review at the local level. The AC requester must provide adequate resources and guidance, intermediate review, corrections, and timely feedback upon completion of the mission. All Contributory Support missions must include formal feedback upon completion.

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Chapter 6

Training and Operations Plan (TOP)

6.1. Background

In order to successfully meet readiness and peacetime intelligence support requirements with limited resources, USARC MI units must integrate the various aspects of traditional individual and unit training, with Contributory Support missions, access to the necessary intelligence facilities, and systems and additional funding.

6.2. Preparation of the TOP

a. The TOP is based on the normal training year (TY). The USARC MI unit receives its missions and guidance from the WARTRACE and peacetime chain of command, then coordinates with the supporting ARISC for the necessary support. Where conflicts exist, the ARISC will assist in their resolution.

b. The preparation of the TOP is accomplished through the following cycle:

(1) AprilJune: The USARC MI unit receives mission guidance from the WARTRACE, including major Contributory Support missions. Other readiness guidance is provided by the peacetime chain of command.

(2) JuneJuly: The USARC MI unit commander and/or key personnel meet with the supporting ARISC staff. At that time, facilities. systems, facilitators and other resource requirements needed to accomplish the training and Contributory Support missions are identified and programmed. The TOP is prepared at that time by the USARC MI unit, with the assistance of the ARISC staff. The USARC MI unit commander and ARISC commander sign the TOP. The TOP is approved by the WARTRACE and the peacetime chain of command.

(3) JulyAugust. The TOP is forwarded by the MI unit to the WARTRACE and RSC for review and approval.

(4) September. USAR MI units make the final preparation for execution of the approved TOP and provide copies of approved TOPs to the ARISC.

(5) Results of the TOP process are loaded in the USARC Unit Training Support Plan (UTSP) system by the USARC DCSOPS.

6.3. Elements of the TOP

The TOP contains long- and short-range elements. Where the TOP calls for a document or information already in existence, an unmodified copy of the original document may be used, providing it contains the necessary information. The intent is to ensure a complete integration of Contributory Support and other training and support requirements in a coherent, executable plan. The following make up the TOP:

a. Unit METL. The approved or working METL will be based on the WARTRACE's guidance. It should include guidance and estimates on available training between mobilization and deployment.

b. Contributory Support Missions. The WARTRACE provides guidance on the motor Contributory Support mission(s) they want the USARC MI unit to accomplish. More detailed classified information and guidance may also be provided. As a minimum, the mission guidance should contain

(1) Title. A clear and concise description of the project.

(2) Purpose or Objective. Describe the goal(s) of the project. When more than one project or mission is given, the WARTRACE will prioritize them.

(3) Scope. Clearly delineated limits of the


(4) Time Frame. Specific time limits of the project.

(5) Desired Outcome. Factors and results which define a successful project.

(6) Priority Intelligence Requirements. All missions or projects will be in support of WARTRACE or national agencies. The TOP will state the requirements to be supported.

(7) Support Provided by the Requester. List support to be provided by the Requester, including facilities. technical assistance. access to data bases and requests for additional funding.

(8) Anticipated Method of Accomplishing the Mission. Define how the mission is to be accomplished and in what status.

(9) Intelligence Systems Required. Identify anticipated intelligence systems and/or data bases necessary for the mission or period.

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Chapter 7

Training Calendars, Plans, and Funding

7.1. Required Individual Training Plan

Identify all soldiers requiring training to become duty MOS qualified or attain minimum foreign language proficiency, and develop the plan for accomplishment of same.

7.2. Annual Training (AT) Plan

The Annual Training Plan is critical, as it is the only extended training period that the unit commander can depend on in advance of the training year. The Annual Training Plan should list each unit soldier and activity.

7.3. Yearly Training Calendar (YTC)

The YTC will contain IDT dates, unit or major element AT and critical exercises or other events.

7.4. FiveYear Training Calendar

Identify major training events, exercises, missions, activations and inactivations, and other significant events.

7.5. ARISC Support Plan

Identify the support to be provided by the ARISC and the schedule.

7.6. Intelligence funding

Identify the funding requirements for the planned training. Identify the potential sources of the required funding, to include unit, RSC, USARC, national agencies, and Warfighters.

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Chapter 8

Army Reserve Intelligence Support Center (ARISC)

8.1. Purpose

This chapter provides policies, procedures, and goals

for ARISC operations.

8.2. Mission

The ARISC mission is to sustain and improve the readiness of USAR MI soldiers and units to perform individual and collective tasks through a training program supporting unit METLs and MI skills directly related to battlefield success.

8.3. Goals

a. Sustain and enhance highly perishable MI technical skills through a training program in which peacetime missions mirror wartime requirements.

b. Provide training opportunities in battlefocused, performanceoriented training environments of MI units and their soldiers, creating such environments through Contributory Support (peacetime support to the warfighters), situational training exercises (e.g. G2 Workstation), live environment training (Readiness Training (REDTRAIN) LET), and General Defense Intelligence Program (GDIP) and Defense Intelligence Reserve Program (DIRP) assignments.

c. Provide a Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility (SCIF) for compartmented MI training requirements.

d. Provide a resource to the Commander in Chief and AC intelligence elements by using Contributory Support as training to sustain the MI skills of soldiers and units.

e. Provide critical resources to the USAR MI unit commander to meet his/her training responsibilities.

8.4. Responsibilities

a. The USARC DCSINT will

(1) Exercise staff supervision and command and control of the ARISCs.

(2) Approve and manage all intelligence training and operations at the ARISCs, ensuring relevance to unit WARTRACE and METL requirements and objectives, as well as compliance with TRADOC and FORSCOM policies and guidance.

(3) Review actual RC MI TPU use of the ARISC against Unit Training Support Plans (UTSP). Develop statistical data on ARISC training execution for inclusion in the USARC Comparative Charts.

(4) Provide policy and guidance for MSC utilization of ARISC programs.

(5) Ensure that resource requirements for TPU use of ARISCs are included in Tactical Intelligence REDTRAIN plans and Command Operating Budget (COB) submissions.

(6) Ensure that ARISCs perform the Training Review Board (TRB) process.

(7) Review TRB after action reports (AARs) and associated UTSPs.

b. The USARC Deputy Chief of Staff, Personnel (DCSPER) will

(1) Coordinate all ARISC tasking through the DCSINT.

(2) Provide appropriate assistance and

guidance to the ARISCs through the DCSINT.

(3) Provide staff support for personnel and

administration of Active Guard and Reserve (AGR) soldiers assigned to the ARISC, in accordance with AR 13518 and 14030.

(4) Coordinate ARISC staff replacements with the Commander, ARPERCEN, ATTN: ARPCAR, and the USARC DCSINT.

c. The USARC Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations (DCSOPS) will

(1) Coordinate all ARISC tasking through the DCSINT.

(2) Provide appropriate assistance and guidance to the ARISCs through the DCSINT.

(3) Exercise staff responsibility for the content of training conducted at or by the ARISCs as part of DCSOPS responsibility for all RC training.

(4) Coordinate general training issues, policy, or guidance through the DCSINT.

d. The USARC Deputy Chief of Staff for Information (DCSIM) will

(1) Coordinate all ARISC tasking through the DCSINT.

(2) Provide appropriate assistance and guidance to the ARISCs through the DCSINT.

e. The USARC Deputy Chief of Staff for Logistics (DCSLOG) will

(1) Coordinate all ARISC tasking through the DCSINT.

(2) Provide appropriate assistance and guidance to the ARISCs through the DCSINT.

f. The USARC Deputy Chief of Staff Force Structure (DCSFOR) will

(1) Coordinate all ARISC tasking through the DCSINT.

(2) Provide appropriate assistance and guidance to the ARISCs through the DCSINT.

g. The USARC Deputy Chief of Staff Comptroller (DCSCOMPT) will

(1) Coordinate all ARISC tasking through the DCSINT.

(2) Provide appropriate assistance and guidance to the ARISCs through the DCSINT.

h. Commanders of Army Reserve Commmands, including RSCs and Direct Reporting Commands (DRCs) will

(1) Ensure that the ARISC program goals enumerated in para 91 are integrated into all appropriate command training support plans and execution.

(2) Assist subordinate RC MI TPU commanders in their efforts to meet required scheduled training at

the ARISCs by providing a system for soldiers to receive notice of training, orders, transportation, rescheduling, and reimbursement of expenses.

(3) Provide supporting ARISCs timely notice of subordinate MI unit personnel gains and losses by placing the ARISC on the command's transfer order distribution list for all subordinate MI units.

(4) Assist in providing accurate Clearance and Special Compartmented Information (SCI) Access Rosters to the ARISC.

(a) Review each soldier's clearance and access status prior to publishing orders for ARISC attendance.

(b) Provide verification of clearance and access status to the ARISC prior to the personnel reporting for training. This verification should be in the form of a Clearance Roster, SCI Visit Roster, or SCI Permanent Certification.

(c) Update all Clearance and SCI Access Rosters as changes occur, to include immediate notice to the ARISC of any possible changes in the SCI Access Roster (including derogatory information).

(5) Ensure that ARISC training is included in each RC MI unit's Yearly Training Guidance (YTG).

i. Commanders of MI units will

(1) Ensure that all qualifying soldiers attend an ARISC training program for a minimum of 24 Unit Training Assemblies (UTAs) each training year. Total number of IDT and nonIDT periods used for ARISC attendance will depend on requirements of the training program.

(2) Ensure that ARISC training is the commander's first priority for the execution of REDTRAIN funds. [In expending REDTRAIN funds, the following guidance should be considered directive.]

(a) REDTRAIN funds will not be used to provide soldiers additional IDT periods over the normal 12 IDT periods per training year.

(b) REDTRAIN OMAR, as required and until exhausted, will be used to send qualified soldiers to ARISC in RST status.

(c) When all REDTRAIN OMAR funds are obligated, REDTRAIN RPA may also be used to send MI soldiers to ARISC.

(d) After a qualified soldier has attended the ARISC training program for the minimum 24 Multiple Unit Training Assemblies (MUTAs), commanders may fund that soldier's additional programrequired training duty as ADT, active duty for special work (ADSW), etc.

8.5. Priorities

a. The ARISC will provide the facilities, equipment, technical expertise, training materials, and secure environment for successful missionoriented training. In planning ARISC resource utilization, MI TPU commanders should consider the following priorities:

(1) Priority 1. Participation in WARTRACE Contributory Support. Before considering any other means of collective or individual training, MI unit commanders should aggressively seek a Contributory Support mission from their WARTRACE.

(2) Priority 2. Participation in nonWARTRACE Contributory Support. If WARTRACE Contributory Support missions are not available, MI TPU commanders should provide required ARISC training opportunities to their soldiers by supporting other Contributory Support missions. With coordination between the ARISC and unit commanders involved, MI unit commanders may provide soldiers and teams to support other Contributory Support missions being conducted at an ARISC.

(3) Priority 3. NonContributory Support. Where no available Contributory Support mission meets a unit's training requirements, the ARISC may provide an individual or collective training environment through notional exercises or other training methods, at the discretion of the ARISC commander. In considering ARISC capability to meet this priority, the ARISC commander will ensure that no resource which could be devoted to a Contributory Support mission is wasted on this priority.

b. The ARISC commander may coordinate the use of personnel not in USAR MI TPUs to meet the above priorities. This includes all available MIAD, IRR, IMA, AC, nonMI, and nonDA personnel.

c. All training at the ARISC should simulate the environment and activities of postmobilization operations.

8.6. ARISC training management cycle

a. All ARISC operations will be in concert with this regulation and FM 25101, which includes planning, execution and assessment of all training. This guidance lends conformity to the process for which RC MI TPUs are held accountable. The process begins with the unit's development/update and approval of its YTG and METL.

b. Planning.

(1) By 15 August, the ARISC will coordinate with RC MI TPUs to receive current unit METL, training guidance, and discuss resource requirements which may be time sensitive. Training guidance will include WARTRACE or other appropriate command guidance, battlefocus prioritization of training,

projected YTG, and the TPU commander's training


(2) The ARISC will review the unit METL and guidance and identify unit training objectives or tasks that are within the capability of the ARISC to support.

(3) By 15 September, the ARISC will provide the unit with a draft UTSP specifying each METL objective which can be supported. It will further specify the appropriate ARTEP and Soldier's Manual Tasks that should be trained in accomplishing the unit's METLdirected training objectives. It may be possible to accomplish several training electives concurrently; if so, various tasks and objectives will be integrated and so specified in the UTSP.

(4) Whenever possible, the focus of the ARISC training will be on teams/sections. Associated emphasis will be placed on the contribution each soldier must make to the successful accomplishment of the team/section effort.

(5) The draft UTSP will be reviewed during the TRB process. The TRB process will include identification of training goals for each of the required training periods at the ARISC. The draft plan will be provided in memorandum format to the unit commander for review prior to the TRB.

(6) This process must be in harmony with the RC MI TPU commander's overall training goals and plans and with the unit's WARTRACE affiliate's training goals and plans.

c. Execution.

(1) Once the unit's UTSP is agreed upon, it forms the basis for training execution at the ARISC. More takes place during this phase of training management than just turning soldiers over to the ARISC for improvement in proficiency.

(2) Unit first line supervisors will personally observe, evaluate, and participate in training at the ARISC. Unit junior officers and senior NCOs, when appropriate, will also monitor training. This does not mean that they too must meet the criteria for participation, only that all members of the unit must be involved. as appropriate.

(3) The structure that will evolve is similar to AC training. The emphasis will be on battlefocused activities, either individual or collective, that cannot be accomplished by training at home station.

(4) Team/section training will be conducted by the unit' s first line supervisors. The ARISC will assist and support the unit supervisors with training materials, equipment support, and technical expertise., ranging from observation to handson assistance. The ARISC is a resource at the disposal of the RC MI TPU commander; the ARISC trainer is a resource for the unit supervisor.

(5) The ARISC training sustainment of individual skills supports unit wartime missions. Therefore, the ARISC will develop and support training so that, as the unit acquires the ability to do so, training will become progressively more realistic in its technical nature.

(6) When possible, ARISC training focus implies that unit training at the ARISC takes place in postmobilization configuration.

(7) The ARISC training support may range from formalized instruction on a specific task to the use of prepared formal training exercises.

(8) If a soldier cannot perform basic tasks, a remedial training program will be developed by the unit training NCO with the assistance of the ARISC staff. The goal is to bring the individual skills of the soldier to a level that can make the soldier a beneficial member of the team/section.

(9) The basis for remedial training is the latest TRADOC soldier's training publication (STP). Determination of task deficiency and corrective training is the responsibility of the soldier's first line supervisor.

d. Evaluation.

(1) It may be difficult to detail ARISC training as it relates to the success of the ARISC program. Soldiers' abilities to perform their skills to standard may be easier. Soldiers' scores on skills to standard team/section mastery of ARTEP are on the objective measure of the success of either training focus.

(2) The ARISC is an MI hardskill training facility and reporting source of unit technical training, and individual and unit readiness for USARC DCSINT. Formal written statements of accomplished training are furnished by the ARISC to the unit after each ARISC training period. Additionally, unit NCOs will be assisted by the ARISC staff with leader book duties. as required.

(3) Soldiers and unit leaders will be given the opportunity to critique unit and individual training at the conclusion of each training period. If written, critiques will remain on file at the ARISC for 2 years.

(4) The RC MI TPU commanders are encouraged to communicate with the ARISC commander regarding any aspect of training regardless of forum. Formally, each year, the RC MI TPU commander and the ARISC commander will discuss future training at the ARISC. This discussion is known as the TRB. The report that is generated by TRB discussions, in effect, becomes the satisfaction of the requirements for an annual AAR and is forwarded to the USARC DCSINT by the ARISC no later than 15 October of each year.

(5) By 15 September of each year, RC MI TPU commanders and other affected leaders may prepare and forward written comments or evaluations of the past year's ARISC training through the chain of command to the USARC DCSINT, ATTN: AFRCINO.

(6) The USARC DCSINT will evaluate the ARISC program and its effectiveness in providing training to supported units within this command. Further, this evaluation will be formalized and provided to HQ, FORSCOM not later than 30 October. Input will include identified successes and shortfalls; a narrative overview of the supported unit commander's evaluations or comment, if provided; United States Army Intelligence Center's (USAICS) Directorate of Evaluations and Standards (DOES) evaluation and/or recommendation. if any; and participation charts. identifying units, soldiers, projects, etc., produced by or attending the ARISC.

8.7. General qualifications for ARISC training

Each MI company grade officer, warrant officer, and enlisted member of the USAR who meets the following requirements is qualified to attend ARISC training.

a. Has the required appropriate security clearance. Access to SCI will be processed separately through the Special Security Office (SSO) system to the ARISC SSO. All required clearances and accesses must be valid for the training period and on record at the ARISC before a soldier will be permitted to train at the ARISC.

b. Has completed all required training in Career Management Field (CMF) 33, 96, 98 (and warrant officer equivalents); has been awarded the MOS as a primary (PMOS) or secondary (SMOS) on official orders; is assigned to a duty position in the PMOS or SMOS; and is rated as MOS qualified (DMOSQ) on SIDPERS.

c. Every soldier assigned to a Language Requiring Position (LRP) must have a minimum score of 1.0 for both listening and reading (LI/RI) on a current version of the Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT). The test date on the DA Form 330 must be within 12 months of the start of ARISC training.

8.8. Training requirements and opportunities

a. Military Intelligence Augmentation Detachment (MIAD) Soldiers. Members of the MIAD Training Program (formerly the Military Intelligence Special Training Element (MISTE)) will train at the ARISC with their unit of assignment whenever possible. The USARC DCSINT REDTRAIN Fund Manager will fund MIAD training with RH10 REDTRAIN.

b. Otherwise MI hardskilled USAR soldiers not assigned to a USAR MI unit may also attend ARISC training. Such attendance will be integrated into already planned unit training and will require coordination between the soldier's unit and the ARISC commander, as well as approval by the supported MI unit and ARISC commanders.

c. The MI personnel from the IRR, other Reserve assets, the US Army AC, and other services may also train at ARISCs on a space available basis.

8.9. Orders and duty status

a. Orders authorizing ARISC training will attach the soldiers to the ARISC for the specified training period and will state whether housing, mess, and transportation are provided at government expense.

b. The preferred status for training at ARISC is inactive duty for training (IDT).

8.10. Attendance scheduling

a. The unit's annual TRB meeting will address scheduling for both the next and following training year. The TRB should be completed NLT 15 September.

b. The number of soldiers to be trained is a projection and may be changed as unit strength varies.

c. Units will be prepared to identify which 6 months they intend to train at the ARISC. Adjustments to the scheduled months may be changed prior to the start of the training year.

d. Data received from units will be used by the ARISC in developing a unit participation profile. The profile will reflect the percent of deviation from training requirements. Adjustments will be made for strength variations during the training year. Data developed by the ARISC on training attendance will be forwarded to the USARC DCSINT as part of the ARISC Monthly Activity Reports.

e. Units may make telephonic changes, but any deviation from the training plan must be kept to a

bare minimum.

f. Units wishing to change a training date must have the written request to the ARISC 30 days prior to the scheduled dates.

g. The ARISC will notify the unit or the MIAD regarding any noshows for scheduled training.

h. Training that cannot be supported by one ARISC may be supported by another ARISC. This can be identified in the TRB process.

8.11. Training Review Boards (TRBs) and procedures

a. The TRB is to assist the ARISC and RC MI commanders in evaluating prior training and preparing required plans for projected training.

b. The TRB goals include the completion of the TRB After Action Report (TRBAAR), the Training Operations Plan (TOP), the Unit Training Support Plan (UTSP), and development of future years' training plans.

c. The TRB participants will include the ARISC commander (chairman), the supported unit commander or a designated representative, and the RSC/DRC point of contact (POC). The ARISC and unit commanders may also designate additional personnel to attend, as required by the planning process.

d. Unit representatives will bring the unit's current Wartime Trace documentation, approved Mission Essential Tasks List (METL), Unit Manning Roster and written comments about the training received at the ARISC during the previous training year.

e. The ARISC commander will provide all data relevant to the previous year's unit training (training files, etc.), and a draft UTSP.

f. During the TRB, the draft UTSP will be reviewed, amended as necessary to support the unit's METL and WARTRACE tasking, and signed by both the unit and ARISC commanders. If the commanders are unable to agree upon a mutually acceptable UTSP, the USARC DCSINT will provide a final decision.

g. The TRBAAR will be forwarded by the ARISC to the USARC DCSINT not later than 15 October. The AAR will detail the results of the TRB and include the ARISC and unit commanders' written evaluation of prior year training, training program improvement recommendations, and a copy of the UTSP.

8.12. Annual training, language maintenance, and other uses

a. Annual training (AT) at the ARISC. The ARISCs will provide AT support (including home station) to individuals or units. Coordination for AT is a part of the TRB and will be noted in the UTSP. Any AT support requires at least 45 days advance coordination with the ARISC commander.

b. Individual AT for qualified soldiers may be scheduled throughout the training year at the discretion of the ARISC commander. Requests for individual AT must be approved by the RSC/DRC prior to submission for ARISC approval.

c. Language maintenance will focus on duty position usage of language and will be integrated into technical training.

d. Other uses for ARISC facilities. The ARISC may be used for other MIrelated services or training at the discretion of the ARISC commander. Units requiring such access to ARISC opportunities will coordinate with the ARISC commander. Depending on the unit's support requirements, this coordination may extend from a simple memorandum to a full TRB process. Commanders of Strategic Military Intelligence Detachments (MID(S)) are encouraged to take advantage of ARISC opportunities.

8.13. Unit ARISC program management

Each unit utilizing ARISC training or services and each RSC/DRC will appoint an ARISC Program Manager in writing and provide a copy of this appointment order to the supporting ARISC and through the chain of command to the USARC DCSINT. Program managers will serve as primary liaisons between the ARISC, the RSC, and the unit; monitor RSC and unit use and support of the ARISC program; and ensure effective support of soldiers in the execution of training at the ARISC.

Return to Table of Contents

Chapter 9

Language Training

9.1. Goals and standards

a. Initial acquisition of language skills for USAR soldiers assigned to USARC subordinate units is accomplished only at the Defense Language

Institute, Foreign Language Center (DLIFLC). Soldiers recruited into USARC subordinate MI units in positions requiring a foreign language will either be fully qualified in a foreign language (based on civilian acquired skills and in accordance with AR 6116) or they will complete a resident language course at DLIFLC. Nonprior service soldiers may be trained only in a language identified by a Language Identification Code (LIC) on the unit MTOE/TDA.

b. Soldiers assigned to positions requiring a foreign language (who are not language qualified in accordance with AR 6116) will be enrolled in a language refresher program, with the goal of bringing the soldier to tier proficiency level required by AR 6116. Refresher programs will include both global language skills and technical (military specific) language; however they should emphasize global skills until the linguist achieves proficiency levels required by AR 6116.

c. Soldiers assigned to positions requiring a foreign language (who are qualified in accordance with AR 6116) will be enrolled in a language sustainment program with the goal of maintaining and improving the soldiers' language proficiency. Sustainment programs will include both global language skills and technical (military specific) language. As soldiers' global language skills improve, however, increased emphasis should be given to technical language, and integration of language into collective training.

9.2. Responsibilities

a. The DCSINT exercises USARC staff proponency for linguist readiness and language training. The DCSINT will program for resources to support language training.

b. Sustainment and improvement of foreign language skills are the responsibility of unit commanders and individual soldiers.

(1) Commanders with foreign language requirements will appoint, on orders, a Language Program Manager who will represent the commander on the unit language council.

(2) Commanders will actively support the acquisition and retention of linguist soldiers identified for participation in the MIAD Program.

(3) Commanders will ensure that appropriate training programs and materials are available to linguist personnel and that the Defense Language Proficiency Test (DLPT) is administered at least annually, in accordance with AR 6116. Commanders will also take steps to retest, remove and/or reclassify soldiers who repeatedly fail to demonstrate required proficiency in their mission language in accordance with AR 6116.

(4) Linguists will enroll in language sustainment/enhancement programs provided by the unit and will maintain the proficiency level required to perform the unit wartime mission, in accordance with AR 6116.

c. The ARISCs will provide missionoriented language training and/or training support in as many languages as possible in support of user units.

d. Reserve Forces Schools (Intelligence) (RFIS) will provide global refresher and sustainment language training as required. The RFISs will also conduct MOS 97L training for personnel assigned to 97L (Translator/Interpreter) positions.

Return to Table of Contents

Appendix A


Section I

Required Publications
AR 135-18 (The Active Guard/Reserve (AGR) Program). Cited in 8.4.
AR 135-382 (Reserve Component Military Intelligence Units and Personnel). Cited in para 2.2.
AR 140-30 (Active Duty in Support of the United States Army Reserve (USAR) and Active Guard Reserve (AGR) Management Program). Cited in para 8.4.
AR 6-116 (Army Linguist Management). Cited in paras 9.1. and 9.2.
FM 25-101 (Battle Focused Training). Cited in para 8.7.

Section II

Related Publications
AR 350-1 (Army Training)
AR 350-3 (Tactical Intelligence Readiness Training Program)
AR 350-41 (Training in Units)
FORSCOM Reg 350-2 (Reserve Component Training in America's Army (ARNG))
FORSCOM Reg 350-22 (FORSCOM Command Language Program)
FM 25-3 (Training In Units)
FM 25-5 (Training For Mobilization and War)
FM 25-100 (Training the Force)


Active Component

Active Duty Training

Area Of Concentration

Army Reserve Intelligence Support Center

Army Reserve Military Intelligence Support Element

Annual Training

Deputy Chief of Staff for Intelligence

Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations

Defense Intelligence (Reserve) Program

Defense Language Proficiency Test

Duty Military Occupational Specialty Qualification

Direct Reporting Command

U.S. Army Forces Command

General Defense Intelligence Program

Inactive Duty Training

Individual Mobilization Augmentee

Individual Ready Reserve

Mission Essential Task List

Military Intelligence

Military Intelligence Augmentation Detachment

Military Occupational Specialty

Noncommissioned Officer

Reserve Component

Regional Support Command

Readiness Training

Special Compartmented Information

Training Operations Plan

Troop Program Unit

U.S. Army Training and Doctrine Command

Training Review Board

U.S. Army Reserve Command

U.S. Army Reserve

Unit Training Assembly

Unit Training Support Plan