Ref: (a) MILPERSMAN 3830140 and 3620100

(b) SECNAVINST 1000.7D



1. Purpose. To provide guidelines for processing interservice transfers of Reserve officer and enlisted personnel from other Reserve service components into the NRIC. These transfers would be for appointment in the United States Naval Reserve as either Restricted Line, Special Duty Officer - Intelligence (1635) or as enlisted Intelligence Specialists (IS).

2. Cancellation. COMNAVRESINTCOMINST 1101.1B.

3. Background. The Naval Reserve provides drill-pay billets for Special Duty/Intelligence officers and enlisted ISs. When possible, these billets are filled by 1635 officers and IS enlisted who have been released from active duty or by other personnel with Navy active duty experience who can qualify for the programs in an in-training status. Another source is the transfer of qualified Reserve personnel from other military service components (Army, Air Force, Coast Guard and Marine Corps). This instruction establishes procedures for the integration of interservice transfer personnel into the NRIC.

4. General Policy. It is the policy of the Departments of Defense and Transportation (in the case of the Coast Guard in peacetime) that an inactive, drilling reservist be allowed to transfer between Reserve components under certain conditions. In general, such transfers will be accomplished when they are in the best interests of the national defense and the individual reservist. They will not affect the continuity of service nor alter the original military obligation of the reservist transferred. In accordance with references (a) and (b), transfers will only be considered when:

a. The reservist has special experience or skills that would contribute to the success of another uniformed service to a greater degree than continued affiliation in the present organization.

b. The parent service has no appropriate pay billet for the reservist that is within reasonable commuting distance.


c. The parent service is willing to grant the unconditional release of the reservist.

d. The Naval Reserve is willing to unconditionally accept the reservist.

e. The request for transfer or the consent to transfer is made by the reservist in writing.

f. Transfers may be made within authorized strength limitations.

5. Officer Transfers. All officers whose age is less than 38 and their paygrade O-4 or below are eligible for transfer to another uniformed service. Conditions that could result in denial of a transfer include: (a) having not completed all obligated service; (b) service in a competitive category where shortages exist; (c) already having orders to a new duty station; (d) having failed selection for promotion to the next higher grade prior to submitting the transfer request; (e) having been previously notified of mandatory retirement; or (f) having applied for transfer to the Naval Reserve within the last year. Specific details are provided in reference (b).

a. Grade Retention. In general, officers will be transferred in the grade held by the parent service on the day before transfer, but they may be transferred in a lower permanent grade to appropriately reflect training and experience. If the transferred officer is on a promotion list of the parent service, they will be integrated into the promotion list of the Naval Reserve.


b. Application Procedures. A qualified officer should initiate an application with the nearest Naval Reserve Officer Recruiter. The following information must be provided:

(1) Personal facts - Full name, social security number, date and place of birth, citizenship and how acquired;

(2) Military facts - Designator/MOS, grade, date of rank, military specialty, branch of service, current assigned unit, total commissioned service, summary of previous interservice transfers and military duties performed;

(3) Statement of educational credentials and professional or technical qualifications;

(4) Reason for requesting transfer;

(5) A resignation statement which is contingent upon acceptance by the Naval Reserve;

(6) NAVCRUIT 1131/9 - Summary Sheet;

(7) DD Form 398-2 - Personnel Security Questionnaire (National Agency Checklist);

(8) DD Form 214 - Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty;

(9) NAVCRUIT 1100/13 - Interviewer=s Appraisal Sheet (two);



(10) Medical Information - SF 93 Report of Medical History (original plus one copy); SF 88 Current Report of Medical Examination (original plus one copy); a copy of chest X-ray and EKG results;

(11) An endorsement from the prospective Reserve command with an available billet;

(12) A conditional release from the parent service if applicant has a remaining military service obligation;

(13) FD Form 258 - Fingerprint Card;

(14) DD Form 398 - Security Questionnaire (BI/SBI).

c. Processing Application. Once the application is complete, the Reserve Officer recruiter will forward it to the cognizant NAVRESCUITCOM Detachment for quality control. It will then be forwarded to:

Chief of Navy Personnel

Washington, DC 20370

(Attn: Pers - 912)

SECNAVINST 1000.7D and MILPERSMAN 3830140 should be consulted regarding application content and process. The Reserve Officer Recruiter will also assist in the preparation of the application for submission.

d. Reserve Intelligence Area (RIA) Involvement. Each RIA will function as the monitor for an officer=s application for an interservice transfer in conjunction with the appropriate NAVRESCRUITCOM Detachment. Applicants who appear better qualified for other programs should be counseled accordingly. Applicants who are not qualified shall not be otherwise encouraged. All applicants will be kept advised of their status, particularly during long waiting periods. Reserve Intelligence Area OICs will:

(1) Act as a point of contact in interservice transfer matters.

(2) Initiate a request for an SSBI after receipt of written notification (from Office of Naval Intelligence) of the applicant=s tentative selection.

(3) Not inform an applicant if the application has been rejected; BUPERS will accomplish this action directly.


(4) Observe appropriate Privacy Act requirements.




6. Enlisted Transfers. The vehicle for enlisted interservice transfers is the OSVET Program described in reference (c). All enlisted personnel who have had prior active or inactive service with other reserve service components are eligible, provided they were assigned the equivalent of the Navy=s RE-4 re-enlistment code, have a High School Diploma or GED, and have achieved a score on the Armed Forces Qualification Test of at least 31 and attain the minimum line scores required to qualify for the IS rating. The transfer must be in the best interest of the national defense and the individual reservist, must not alter the original military obligation of the reservist transferred.


a. Rating Retention. RIPOs will coordinate and assist the local COMNAVRESCRUIT Detachment in determining an equivalent Navy rating. Rating determination will be based upon the applicant=s prior Army or Marine Corps Military Occupational Specialty (MOS), Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC), or Coast Guard Rating. If the MOS/AFSC/Rating does not directly convert to a Navy rating, the applicant may be enlisted as a general apprentice (SN/AN/FN) at paygrade E-3, or the application (together with NAVRES 1100/11) may be forwarded to COMNAVRESCRUITCOM for determination of the appropriate rating and paygrade. Any OSVET who was temporarily advanced must make their temporary rate permanent within 36 months of enlistment.

b. Paygrade Retention. If an OSVET is enlisted within 4 years of discharge from another component, the paygrade at discharge will be maintained, provided that the paygrade is E-6 or below. Paygrade conversion when the break in service exceeds 4 years is determined by a sliding scale which is provided in reference (c). If the break in service exceeds 10 years, the maximum paygrade available is E-3. Interservice transfer requests from personnel in paygrades E-7 or above must be submitted, via the chain of command, to PERS-913. Both the applicable RIA and COMNAVRESINTCOM will be included in the chain of command.

c. Term of Enlistment. Applicants currently serving under their initial enlistment contract must enlist in the Navy for a period that, when combined with prior service, is sufficient to complete the initial enlistment contract. Applicants with a permanent rate and who have completed their initial enlistment will be enlisted for a minimum of 2 years. Those applicants having a temporary rate must enlist for a minimum of 3 years. Special care must be taken to ensure that the OSVET maintains eligibility for the Montgomery GI Bill.

d. Application Procedures. The documentation requirements for OSVETS are essentially the same as for other enlistments except that the applicant must also provide documented evidence about service with the parent service. Reference (c) provides more detailed procedures.

7. Privacy Act Considerations. Interservice transfer application documents must be handled in accordance with policies set forth in references (c) and (d) which require special handling of application packages. RIPOs shall provide locked storage for all files and document related





to applications. Such information should be disclosed only to those who are directly involved with processing or approving the interservice transfer request. Third party information should not be disclosed to the applicant.

8. NAVCRUIT 1131/9 - Summary Sheet, DD Form 398-2 - Personnel Security Questionnaire (National Agency Checklist), DD Form 214 - Certificate of Release or Discharge from Active Duty, NAVCRUIT 1100/13 - Interviewer=s Appraisal Sheet (two), FD Form 258 - Fingerprint Card, and DD Form 398 - Security Questionnaire (BI/SBI) are available through normal supply channels per NAVSUP P2002. Medical Information - SF 93 Report of Medical History (original plus one copy) and SF 88 Current Report of Medical Examination (original plus one copy); a copy of chest X-ray and EKG results are available through Government Service Administration Milstrip.



By direction

Distribution: (COMNAVRESINTCOMINST 5216.1K)

Lists I, II, III, and IV