
FAS Note: Pursuant to DOD Instruction 2000.16 dated 14 Jun 01, the term "Terrorist Threat Condition" (THREATCON) has now been replaced by the term "Terrorist Force Protection Condition" (FPCON). Individual classifications and measures remain the same.


Building Circular

No Date: Expiration:
WHS 97-01 October 5, 1996 Indefinite

SUBJECT: THREATCON (Threat Condition) Information at Pentagon Entrances.

In order to provide building occupants with timely information regarding the THREATCON level at the Pentagon, the Defense Protective Service (DPS) will be placing THREATCON level information on the police desks at all Pentagon building entrances. THREATCON is a DoD process that sets the level for a terrorist threat condition (as described below) at a given location (in this case the Pentagon) and is based on existing intelligence and other information. The entrance signs are in addition to the telephonic notification of THREATCON levels by DPS to building security agencies. These entrance signs will allow building occupants to know the threat condition level at the Pentagon as soon as they enter the building.

The following is a listing of the THREATCON level information that will be posted at the entrances each day in accordance with the level for the day:

THREATCON NORMAL - No threat of terrorist activity is present.

THREATCON ALPHA - There is a general threat of possible terrorist activity against installations, building locations, and/or personnel, the nature and extent of which are unpredictable.

THREATCON BRAVO - There is an increased and more predictable threat of terrorist activity even though no particular target has been identified.

THREATCON CHARLIE - An incident has occurred or intelligence has been received indicating that some form of terrorist action is imminent.

THREATCON DELTA - A terrorist attack has occurred or intelligence has been received that action against a specific location is likely.

If the THREATCON level is changed (either higher or lower), the changed level will be posted immediately upon notification. Building occupants with questions regarding THREATCON and how it affects them should check with their agency security officer.

The THREATCON level for the Pentagon Reservation is set by the Chief of DPS and is coordinated with other DoD agencies such as MDW, NDW, and AFDW.

L. W. Freeman, Director
Real Estate and Facilities