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of 11 July 2001 No. 35


In implementation of Federal Law No. 52-FZ of 30 March 1999 "On the Medical-Epidemiological Welfare of the Populace", and Russian Federation Government Decree of July 24, 2000 No. 554 "On the Ratification of the Statute on the State Medical-Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation and the Statute on State Medical-Epidemiological Regulation," and in order to organize support for medical-epidemiological welfare in the Main Directorate for Special Programs of the Russian Federation President, I order:

1. That the Instruction on the Procedure for State Medical-Epidemiological Oversight in the Main Directorate for Special Programs of the Russian Federation President, with the concurrence with the Russian Federation Ministry of Health (attached), be approved.

2. That within three months the Chief of the Special Objects Service under the Russian Federation President will bring his regulatory legal documents into conformity with the Instruction approved by this Order, providing in them for the reorganization of the Medical-Epidemiological Oversight Center of the Special Objects Service under the Russian Federation President.

3. That execution of this Order be verified by Stovbur, N.N., Advisor and Chief State Medical Doctor of the Main Directorate for Special Programs of the Russian Federation President.

Chief of the Main Directorate



By Order of the Chief of the Main

Directorate for Special Programs

of the Russian Federation President

No. 35 of 11 July 2001









1. This Instruction was developed in accordance with the federal laws "On Medical-Epidemiological Welfare of the Populace" No. 53-FZ of March 30, 1999 (Codex of Russian Federation Legislation, 1999, No. 14, Art. 1650), "On Mobilization and Mobilization Preparation" No. 31-FZ of February 26, 1997 (Codex of Russian Federation Legislation, 1997, No. 9, Art. 1014), Decree of the Russian Federation Government No. 554 of July 24, 2000 "On Approval of the Statute on the State Medical-Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation and the Statute on State Medical-Epidemiological Regulation" (Codex of Russian Federation Legislation, 2000, No. 31, Art. 3295), the Statute on the Main Directorate for Special Programs of the Russian Federation President, approved by the Edict of the RF President No. 1025s of August 31, 1998 (Codex of Russian Federation Legislation, 1999, No. 14, Art. 1696), and the Statute on the Special Objects Service Under the Russian Federation President, approved by the Edict of the RF President No. 350 of March 15, 1999 (Codex of Russian Federation Legislation, 1999, No. 12, Art. 1453).

2. State medical-epidemiological oversight (hereinafter gossanepinadzor) in the Main Directorate for Special Programs of the Russian Federation President and Subordinate Organizations (hereinafter GUSP) is implemented by officials of institutions and structural medical-epidemiological subdivisions in the GUSP (hereinafter officials, authorized to implement state medical-epidemiological oversight in the GUSP), which are part of the system of the Russian Federation State Medical-Epidemiological Service.

3. The activities of officials authorized to implement state medical-epidemiological oversight in the GUSP are organized by the Chief State Medical Doctor of the GUSP, who in terms of functional duties is assistant to the RF Chief State Medical Doctor in matters relating to the assurance of the medical-epidemiological welfare of the populace at GUSP objects and territories [served] and occupies the authorized post of advisor to the GUSP, directly subordinate to the GUSP chief.

Appointing and relieving the GUSP Chief State Medical Doctor is the responsibility of the GUSP chief upon coordination with the Russian Federation Chief State Medical Doctor.

4. The following officials are authorized to implement gossanepinadzor [state medical-epidemiological oversight] at the GUSP and subordinate facilities:

- the advisor / Chief State Medical Doctor of the GUSP / the Deputy Chief State Medical Doctor of the Russian Federation;

- the Chief of the State Medical-Epidemiological Oversight Center of the Special Objects Service under the Russian Federation President / Chief State Medical Doctor of the Special Objects Service Under the Russian Federation President / Deputy Chief State Medical Doctor of the GUSP for Special Objects;

- chiefs of divisions, laboratories, and groups, and specialists of institutions and medical-epidemiological structural subdivisions and subdivisions of the Special Objects Service under the Russian Federation President in accordance with the list indicated in sub-paragraph 8, para. 18 of the Statute on the State Medical-Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation approved by the Russian Federation Government Decree No. 554 of July 24, 2000.

5. Officials authorized to implement state medical-epidemiological oversight at the GUSP are guided in their activities by legislative and other legal regulatory documents, and departmental (interdepartmental) legal regulatory documents, including this Instruction; in execution of their duties, they operate on the basis of subordination of the lower to the higher instance and in coordination with the organs and institutions of gossanepidsluzhby [the state medical-epidemiological service] in Russian Federation components.

6. The system of facilities and territories served by the GUSP subject to state medical-epidemiological oversight includes:

special objects, which are functioning or under construction, of federal state agencies;

plots of land, provided to the GUSP and its subordinate organizations and buildings and structures on their balance sheets, as well as closed military garrisons located thereon;

structures belonging to federal executive agencies and executive agencies of Russian Federation components, which the GUSP monitors for readiness to be used in accordance with their purpose.

7. Qualifications of officials authorized to implement state medical-epidemiological oversight at the GUSP are certified in accordance with procedures established in the GUSP.

8. The basic tasks of officials authorized to implement state medical-epidemiological oversight at the GUSP are:

8.1. Prevention of infectious and mass non-infectious illness (poisoning) of service members and civilian personnel of objects and the populace (hereinafter referred to as the populace) of territories and closed military garrisons subordinate to the GUSP.

8.2. Prevention of harmful effects on the populace from environmental factors in closed military garrisons and on territories and objects subordinate to the GUSP.

8.3. Hygiene education and training of the populace.

9. Within the framework of the implementation of state medical-epidemiological oversight in the GUSP, officials listed in para. 4 of this Instruction, within the limits of the authority granted them:

9.1. Will make decisions which must be carried out by officials of objects and territories served regarding hygienic and anti-epidemiological measures.

9.2. Will verify [kontrol] conformity with the requirements of medical rules, regulations, hygienic standards, and medical-anti-epidemiological (preventive) measures as regards assurance of medical-epidemiological welfare at objects and territories served during:

a) the design, construction, reconstruction, or modernization of special objects, production facilities, residential buildings, buildings and structures, engineer networks and transportation systems, and during their initial operation;

b) the development, initial production, application and use of products, including foreign purchases;

c) implementation of measures to prevent pollution of the atmosphere and of the air in the workplaces of productive and other locations where the populace is permanently or temporarily present;

d) operation of buildings, premises, structures, equipment, and transport systems;

e) performance of work with radioactive materials, and sources of ionizing and non-ionizing radiation;

f) performance of measures to prevent and eliminate infectious and mass non-infectious illness (poisoning) of the populace related to human health effects from unfavorable factors of the living environment in closed military camps and on territories and objects subordinate to the GUSP;

g) education, training, and recreation of children and adolescents;

h) the selection of sections for the construction of objects;

i) the selection of water sources used for centralized and decentralized water supplies of objects, as well as for therapeutic purposes, bathing, sports activities, and recreation of the populace;

j) establishment of medical protective zones for sources of water use and performance of measures to protect aquifers from pollution; provision of water for drinking, agriculture, and production;

j) establishment of medical-protective zones for production objects;

k) collection, processing, neutralization, burial, and elimination of industrial and household waste;

l) performance of medical protection measures on the grounds of therapeutic and convalescence facilities.

Compliance with Medical rules, regulations, and hygienic standards during the measures listed in sub-paragraphs h) through l) of this paragraph is verified on concurrence with the state medical-epidemiological oversight centers subordinate to Russia's Ministry of Health.

9.3. Conduct medical-epidemiological investigations aimed at establishing the causes and identifying the conditions of onset and spread of infectious and mass non-infectious illnesses (poisoning) among the populace.

9.4. Conduct statistical observation to assure the public's medical-epidemiological welfare, state record-keeping on infectious, parasitic, and professional illnesses, and mass non-infectious illnesses (poisoning) and determine the relationship between their onset and effects of unfavorable factors within the living environment.

9.5. Issue medical-epidemiological findings in accordance with sub-para. 4 of para. 15 of the Statute on the State Medical-Epidemiological Service of the Russian Federation, approved by Russian Federation Government Decree No. 554 of July 24, 2000.

9.6. Take part in development and implementation of GUSP medical support programs as well as those of federal and regional targeted programs to support the medical-epidemiological welfare of the Russian Federation populace to the extent they relate to the GUSP.

9.7. Duly develop instructional and procedural documents on the organization and conduct of medical-epidemiological (profilactic) measures.

9.8. Provide the chief of the GUSP and the chiefs of organizations subordinate to the GUSP with information on the medical-epidemiological status of objects and on infectious, parasitic, professional and mass non-infectious illnesses (poisoning) of the populace, and on newly implemented regulatory legal documents in the field of medical legislation.

9.9. Duly introduce (through the chief state Physician of the GUSP or his deputy) proposals aimed at prevention, minimization, and elimination of dangerous or harmful influences on public health from factors of the living environment, including:

a) to the directors (chiefs) of the GUSP and it's subordinate organizations, [proposals] putting into practice instructional documents adopted in accord with medical legislation in units, related to support of medical-epidemiological welfare, on the use of administrative or disciplinary means of influencing officials for violations of medical regulations;

b) to the certification agencies on occasions when products, work, or services are found not to conform to medical regulations and norms, in order to make a decision regarding suspension or withdrawal of certificates related to products, works and services;

c) to licensing agencies in instances the identification of violations of medical rules and regulations during types of activities, which pose a health or environmental hazard, to resolve the question of suspension of licenses for individual types of activities or the of the indicated licenses.

9.10. Organize and conduct upon request from the GUSP or other juridical and physical persons, medical-epidemiological evaluations (investigations, research, and testing) of design documentation, economic or other activities of objects, products, works or services.

9.11. Evaluate the conformity to medical rules and regulations of service (work) conditions, living conditions, reconstruction plans, operating documents, products, works, services, economic or other activities of the GUSP and subordinate organizations.

9.12. Participate in the licensing and certification of various types of activities, products, works and services posing a potential hazard to public health or the environment, by issuing the corresponding medical-epidemiological findings.

9.13. Organize and implement disinfection, radiological decontamination, and insect control actions.

9.14. Organize hygienic education and training of the populace, and take part in promotion of a healthy lifestyle.

10. The Chief State Physician of the GUSP and his deputy have the authority stipulated by Article 51 of the federal law "On Medical-Epidemiological Welfare of the Populace."

11. Officials authorized to implement state medical-epidemiological oversight at the GUSP enjoy the rights stipulated by Article 50 of the federal law "On Medical-Epidemiological Welfare of the Populace."

12. The duties and responsibilities of officials authorized to implement state medical-epidemiological oversight at the GUSP are regulated by Articles 52 and 53 of the federal law "On Medical-Epidemiological Welfare of the Populace."

13. Actions (inaction) of officials authorized to implement state medical-epidemiological oversight at the GUSP can be challenged with the Chief State Physician of the GUSP, as well as with a higher organ of state medical-epidemiological oversight or in a court.

14. Persons violating medical legislation at objects or on territories are held administratively responsible by officials authorized to implement state medical-epidemiological oversight at the GUSP in accordance with Articles 55, 56, and 57 of the federal law "On Medical-Epidemiological Welfare of the Populace" and by other legal regulatory documents of the Russian Federation and departmental legal regulatory documents.

15. Activities of institutions and structural subdivisions with a medical-epidemiological profile at the GUSP are carried out on the basis of regulations and instructions duly approved in the GUSP.

16. Activities of officials authorized to implement state medical-epidemiological oversight at the GUSP are organized in accordance with work plans duly approved at the GUSP on the basis of:

- one-man command and personal responsibility for the fulfillment of duties and rules of the internal labor schedule;

- collegiality in the development of decisions on the most important questions of service-related activities;

- interaction with state government agencies, public organizations, enterprises, institutions, and other organizations of the Russian Federation.

17. Paperwork at GUSP institutions and structural medical-epidemiological subdivisions is maintained by procedures established at the GUSP.


First Deputy Minister

of Health of the Russian Federation

Chief State Physcian

of the Russian Federation



Registered at the RF Ministry of Justice on 8 August 2001, No. 2856