
DATE=10/5/1999 TYPE=CORRESPONDENT REPORT TITLE=SENATE-TEST BAN (L-ONITER) NUMBER=2-254698 BYLINE=DAVID SWAN DATELINE=CAPITOL HILL CONTENT= VOICED AT: INTRO: President Clinton is under mounting pressure to seek a delay in the Senate vote on the nuclear test ban treaty. V-O-A's David Swan reports, the postponement could be announced Wednesday. TEXT: Both opposition Republicans and Mr. Clinton's own Democratic allies are telling the White House the treaty stands no chance of ratification. All sides agree the number of supporters falls far short of the needed two-thirds majority. Republican leader Trent Lott, one of the treaty's critics, now wants the issue put aside until at least the year 2001. /// LOTT ACT /// You know, if they would indicate some willingness to let the next administration and the next Congress consider this and vote on it, we'd entertain that. /// END ACT /// The White House had long sought a vote on the test ban. It has been signed by more than 150 countries, but ratified by barely half the 44 nuclear-capable states whose approval is needed to bring the treaty into force. Officials argue the pact will curb the spread of nuclear weapons without harming national security. But the administration has not been able to counter a well-orchestrated flood of Republican opposition. Lawmakers charge the treaty will weaken the safety and credibility of the U-S nuclear arsenal and will not stop rogue states from building and testing weapons. Republican Senator John Kyl says ratification would achieve nothing. /// KYL ACT /// So I think it is faulty logic at best to contend that if the United States will simply ratify this treaty, other nations will follow and there will not be proliferation of nuclear weapons in the world. Its just too naive a view for us to take the risk. /// END ACT /// When faced with defeat, Senate Democrats began calling for a halt to next week's scheduled vote. Minority leader Tom Daschle says that scenario is better than what he calls the disaster of outright defeat. /// DASCHLE ACT /// We can not afford to send the wrong message to countries all over the world. We can not afford to send a green light to India and Pakistan that testing is OK. This treaty must be passed or we ought to find some other way to deal with this. /// END ACT /// A delay in the vote would not mean the end of the treaty, but it would be a setback for the president. He hoped to make the test ban one of the last foreign policy triumphs of his term. If Republicans have their way, the treaty will have no chance of passage until Mr. Clinton has left office. (Signed) NEB/DS/TVM/WTW 05-Oct-1999 19:51 PM EDT (05-Oct-1999 2351 UTC) NNNN Source: Voice of America .