Publication Date:  16 February 1996
System Version:  GCCS 2.1/Update 4
Web Page Created:  26 March 1996

Setup.  None.

OBJECTIVE.  Without references, explain the JOPES database save/archive process.

OBJECTIVE.  Without references, explain why it is essential to accomplish periodic site database backups.

OBJECTIVE.  Without references, explain the process used to recover the JOPES database at a failed site.

Note:  Do not confuse the JDSIP/JDSUP updates with the batch/TSS jobs that are waiting in the sysout queue.  They are both files with jobs to be completed, but the JDSIP file is not arbitrarily emptied/overwritten without a very important reason.  Normally, a SYSOUT queue gets emptied by a certain time each day (site unique as to the details) to keep it from getting overloaded.  The JDSIP almost never gets its entire file written over, but in some cases, individual actions are traced down and deleted.

Note:  The keystrokes required to recover a site are the responsibility of the TDBM.  The FM is in the loop to represent operational requirements.  The specific steps/commands the TDBM takes are found in the TDBM handbook.  For the failed site, generic recovery steps are included in Table 12-1.

Step Action
1 Offload local OPLANs - H4 save local OPLANs.
2 Terminate JDSUP at the receiving site, if not already down - "NET INFORM JDSUP QUIT."
3 Disable JOPES - rename JOPES so no one activates it.
4 Process backlogged transactions - ensure all transactions generated at the receiving site have been received at the providing site.
5 FTS Network Status Files to receiving site - compare NSF counts for this step to those provided by the providing site.
6 Transport database to receiving site.
7 Initialize file areas for the new database - clear out the old invalid transactions before installing the new database.
8 Unlock database subfiles and initialize the new database - sets up the real world and exercise sections (can be done concurrently).
9 Check page ranges - compare data field for range 1 thru 8 page ranges.
10 Tape restore of the IDS database - enter new tape numbers of the providing site's tapes .
11 Check plan list - use "list" command to check for possible aborts.
12 Run analyzer - only if providing site did not run.
13 Fix broken chains - only if you ran analyzer.
14 Quick copy - copies to backup database.
15 Reactivate JOPES - change name back and reformat JDSUP to BCD format.
16 Restart JOPES - restart the JDSUP and the JDSIP format.
17 Cleanup the database recovery - TDBM or FM - delete the local OPLANs on the receiving sites database that were not initialized at the recovered site - generate the PIN records for the local OPLANs that were originated at this site.
18 Reload local OPLANs - H4.
19 Screen copy receiving site's NSF - obtain record counts for comparison to number of records provided.
20 Verify NSF record counts - should be equal to or greater than.
21 Derail (DRL) queue processing - required if site uses DRL queue processing, this ensures JDSUP is out of the system so upload can take place.
22 Start JOPES at the receiving site - after database cleanup and local OPLAN reload are complete, the receiving site is ready to process JOPES network transactions.
23 Notify ALCON via TLCF(s), as appropriate, that the site has been restored.

Table 12-1.  Receiving Site Data Base Recovery Steps

Note:  After a site has been restored and the updates are completed, the record counts should match at all sites.  If not, there may be dropped data that needs to be reentered.  Before going to the trouble of trying to find the missing record(s), S/F HW, (set record counts) can start a job to recheck and update the record count.  This is much easier and can save considerable time versus doing a manual record count.  Figure 12-1 shows the Set Record Counts Screen.

Figure 12-1.  Set Record Counts Screen

Note:  Sometime after the TDBMs complete this process, the FM may want to check the site's synchronization by using S/F HV.  If the record counts are off, S/F HW can be run to recheck what you have.  If discrepancies occur, further research and repair may be required.  HW only requires the entry of the OPLAN you are concerned with or All (left justified) to set all OPLAN record counts.  Figure 12-2 shows the Selection Site Data Recovery screen.

Figure 12-2.  Selective Site Data Recovery Screen

Note:  B8 can be used to offload a TPFDD (in JOPS format) for many purposes including saving and archiving.  TPFDDs that were downloaded this way must be reloaded by HK, B3, or F60(F).  An HK reload requires only a PID and tape number or cat/file string.  This load process automatically produces the TPFDD audit report.  There is an option to produce the report without uploading the data as well.  Simply enter an "x" in the Enter 'X' to Produce Audit Report Only brackets.  The audit report processes routine system edit checks, such as, the plan series matching ULN first characters, I's or O's in ULN, etc.  For HK to execute, the OPLAN must exist on the system, be in load status, and have no requirement detail records.