Index DOD Doctrine

SORT: 5410.14
DOCI: DODD 5410.14
DATE: 19631025
TITL: DODD 5410.14, Cooperation with U. S. News Media Representatives at the
Scene of Military Accidents Occurring Outside Military Installations,
October 25, 1963, ASD(PA), Thru Ch 2, April 3, 1970

Refs: (a) DoD Instruction 5230.16, "Nuclear Accident and Incident Public
Affairs Guidance,", August 8, 1967
(b) DoD Directive 5200.1, "Safeguarding Official Information in the
Interests of the Defense of the United States, July 10, 1968


This Directive establishes uniform policy for dealing with U. S. news
media representatives at the scene of military accidents that occur
outside military installations.


A. The provisions of this Directive apply to all DoD Components and cover
military accidents occurring in the United States, its territories or its
possessions, but outside the confines of military installations.

B. The provisions do not cover military accidents (l) occurring outside
the United States, its territories or its possessions, guidance for which
is set forth in applicable treaties, intergovernmental agreements and laws
of other nations; or (2) involving nuclear weapons, guidance for which is
set forth in reference (a) and in the Joint Department of Army, Navy, Air
Force, and Atomic Energy Commission Agreement of February 27, 1958.


DoD Components will provide maximum cooperation, consistent with national
security responsibilities and reference (b), to properly identified U. S.
news media representatives desiring to cover military accidents occurring
outside military installations.  The military authority at the scene of a
military accident occurring outside of a military installation shall:

A. Inform news media representatives of the presence of exposed classified
material which cannot be removed or covered immediately and ask them to
cooperate in its protection.  Photographers will be informed that
violations of the prohibition on photographing classified DoD material are
also violations of Federal criminal statutes. (18 USC 795, 797).

B. Refrain from using force if news media representatives refuse to
cooperate in the protection of classified DoD material, but request (1)
the assistance of appropriate civil law enforcement officials in
preventing compromise of such material and in recovering all photographs,
negatives, and sketches which are presumed to contain classified
information; and (2) the cooperation of the superiors of the offending
news media representatives, informing them that publication of such
classified information or refusal to return it to military authority will
be a violation of Federal statutes (18 USC 793(e), 795, 797).

C. Submit to the Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs), through
channels, a message report concerning refusals of news media
representatives or their superiors to cooperate as prescribed in A. and B.


A. This Directive is effective immediately.

B. Two copies of the implementing instructions shall be forwarded to the
Assistant Secretary of Defense (Public Affairs) within thirty (30) days;
such implementing issuances to contain language directing (l) all military
and civilian personnel who normally deal with military accidents to be
fully conversant with the contents of the Directive, and (2) Commanders of
military installations to advise civil law enforcement officials in their
areas that they may be called upon for assistance and cooperation when
military accidents occur outside military installations, informing them of
the provisions of law which make it a criminal offense to photograph,
publish, or refuse to surrender information of a classified defense nature
(18 USC 793(e), 795, 797).

Deputy Secretary of Defense
