TO: Survey Participants
FROM: Steve Garfinkel, Director, Information Security Oversight Office

For purposes of a program that I am putting together for presentation later this year, I am collecting this easy-to-complete survey. Today, we are witnessing an emphasis on declassification and openness. For our Government and democracy to function most effectively, and for us to exercise our personal and civic responsibilities, about what subjects is it most important that Americans be informed from all the data that the Government collects or creates and might keep secret? Please put a number from 0 to 4 beside each subject below, based on the number key. Before completing the survey, please indicate your gender, which of three age groups you fall into, and whether your job requires you to work with classified information. Do not write your name or other identifier on the form. No person filling out the survey will be identified by name or other identifier. No one, including I, will know who filled out what form.

Return completed form no later than 20 May 1999 to ISOO by fax at (202)219-5385, or mail to Information Security Oversight Office, Room 5W, National Archives, 700 Pennsylvania Ave NW, Washington, DC 20408.

Check one:		Check one: 			Yes or No:_______
___ Female	___ I was born before 1946.		My job requires me to work
___ Male	___ I was born between 1946 - 1963	with classified federal 
		___ I was born after 1963		government information.

	0 = General Public Should Not Know
	1 = General Public Does Not Need to Know
	2 = Of Minimal Importance for General Public to Know
	3 = Important for General Public to Know
	4 = Extremely Important for General Public to Know

____ The CIA’s total dollar budget request to Congress for the upcoming year.

____ The foreign and domestic airports that are most vulnerable to terrorism.

____ Personal information about candidates for President and Vice President.

____ Everything the U.S. Gov’t knows about foreign human rights abuses.

____ What goes on at the secret Government site in the Nevada desert.

____ Everything the U.S. Government knows about UFOs.

____ The exact location of all nuclear waste sites.

____ The names and addresses of paroled violent offenders.

____ Foreign governments that are spying on U.S. companies.

____ Everything the U.S. government knows about POWs/MIAs.

____ Break-ins to financial institutions by computer hackers.

____ Every document that is arguably related to the JFK/MLK assassinations.