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Department of Defense
Washington, DC

February 5, 1999

MEMORANDUM FOR: SUBJECT: Personal Attestations Upon the Granting of Security Access

During the past decade the personal attestation required in the granting of security clearances has devolved into a routine administrative process, constituting little more than an administrative nuisance with little significance, and with too little awareness of the commitment that is being made by individuals as they are granted access.

Effective February 15, 1999, every military member and civilian employee, who is granted a Top Secret clearance, or is granted access to a specially-controlled access category or compartment must make a verbal attestation that he or she will conform to the conditions and responsibilities imposed by law or regulation on those granted clearance or access. The verbal attestation must be witnessed by at least one individual in addition to the official who presides over the attestation and manages the process.

Bill Cohen
Secretary of Defense

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