CIA COVERUP ALLEGED ON PAN AM FLIGHT 103 BOMBING (House of Representatives - November 09, 1989)

[Page: H8199]

(Mr. TRAFICANT asked and was given permission to address the House for 1 minute and to revise and extend his remarks.)

Mr. TRAFICANT. Mr. Speaker, in 1960 the Central Intelligence Agency vehemently denied and labeled nonsense any involvement in the U-2 incident. In 1961 the Central Intelligence Agency vehemently denied and labeled nonsense any involvement in the Bay of Pigs scandal. In 1984 the CIA vehemently denied and labeled nonsense any involvement in the mining of the harbors of Nicaragua. In 1984 the CIA vehemently denied and labeled nonsense any involvement in the death threat manual in Nicaragua.

Today the Central Intelligence Agency denies and labels nonsense the report that the CIA had at least bungled and possibly even turned their back on the heroin smuggling ring from Frankfort to New York which played a key role in the bombing of Pan Am flight 103.

The Central Intelligence Agency has been consistent, I will give them that credit, but I think the American people and the world ought to know what happened to Pan Am flight 103 not another national security `coverup.'