FAS Note: Pursuant to DOD Instruction 2000.16 dated 14 Jun 01, the term "Terrorist Threat Condition" (THREATCON) has now been replaced by the term "Terrorist Force Protection Condition" (FPCON). Individual classifications and measures remain the same.




1. General. The threat conditions (THREATCONs) outlined below describe the progressive level of a terrorist threat to all US military facilities and personnel under DOD Directive O-2000.12. As approved by the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, the terminology and definitions are recommended security measures designed to ease inter-Service coordination and support of US military antiterrorism activities. The purpose of the THREATCON system is accessibility to, and easy dissemination of, appropriate information. The declaration, reduction, and cancellation of THREATCONs remain the exclusive responsibility of the commanders specified in the order. Although there is no direct correlation between threat information (e.g., Intelligence Summaries, Warning Reports, and Spot Reports) and THREATCONs, such information, coupled with the guidance provided below, assists commanders in making prudent THREATCON declarations. THREATCONs may also be suffixed with the geographic area deemed at risk. Once a THREATCON is declared, the selected security measures are implemented immediately. NOTE: When used in antiterrorism plans, recommend that the information contained in this appendix be marked "For Official Use Only" (FOUO) in accordance with DOD Regulation 5400.7-R, October 1990. The DOD Directive O-2000.12 recommended measures are:

  1. THREATCON NORMAL exists when a general threat of possible terrorist activity exists but warrants only a routine security posture.
  2. THREATCON ALPHA applies when there is a general threat of possible terrorist activity against personnel and facilities, the nature and extent of which are unpredictable, and circumstances do not justify full implementation of THREATCON BRAVO measures. However, it may be necessary to implement certain measures from higher THREATCONs resulting from intelligence received or as a deterrent. The measures in this THREATCON must be capable of being maintained indefinitely.
  3. (1) Measure 1. At regular intervals, remind all personnel and dependents to be suspicious and inquisitive about strangers, particularly those carrying suitcases or other containers. Watch for unidentified vehicles on or in the vicinity of US installations. Watch for abandoned parcels or suitcases and any unusual activity.

    (2) Measure 2. The duty officer or personnel with access to building plans as well as the plans for area evacuations must be available at all times. Key personnel should be able to seal off an area immediately. Key personnel required to implement security plans should be on-call and readily available.

    (3) Measure 3. Secure buildings, rooms, and storage areas not in regular use.

    (4) Measure 4. Increase security spot checks of vehicles and persons entering the installation and unclassified areas under the jurisdiction of the United States.

    (5) Measure 5. Limit access points for vehicles and personnel commensurate with a reasonable flow of traffic.

    (6) Measure 6. As a deterrent, apply measures 14, 15, 17, or 18 from THREATCON BRAVO either individually or in combination with each other.

    (7) Measure 7. Review all plans, orders, personnel details, and logistic requirements related to the introduction of higher THREATCONs.

    (8) Measure 8. Review and implement security measures for high-risk personnel as appropriate.

    (9) Measure 9. As appropriate, consult local authorities on the threat and mutual antiterrorism measures.

    (10) Measure 10. To be determined.

  4. THREATCON BRAVO applies when an increased and more predictable threat of terrorist activity exists. The measures in this THREATCON must be capable of being maintained for weeks without causing undue hardship, affecting operational capability, and aggravating relations with local authorities.
  5. (1) Measure 11. Repeat measure 1 and warn personnel of any other potential form of terrorist attack.

    (2) Measure 12. Keep all personnel involved in implementing antiterrorist contingency plans on call.

    (3) Measure 13. Check plans for implementation of the next THREATCON.

    (4) Measure 14. Move cars and objects (e.g., crates, trash containers) at least 25 meters from buildings, particularly buildings of a sensitive or prestigious nature. Consider centralized parking.

    (5) Measure 15. Secure and regularly inspect all buildings, rooms, and storage areas not in regular use.

    (6) Measure 16. At the beginning and end of each workday, as well as at other regular and frequent intervals, inspect the interior and exterior of buildings in regular use for suspicious packages.

    (7) Measure 17. Examine mail (above the regular examination process) for letter or parcel bombs.

    (8) Measure 18. Check all deliveries to messes, clubs, etc. Advise dependents to check home deliveries.

    (9) Measure 19. Increase surveillance of domestic accommodations, schools, messes, clubs, and other soft targets to improve deterrence and defense, and to build confidence among staff and dependents.

    (10) Measure 20. Make staff and dependents aware of the general situation in order to stop rumors and prevent unnecessary alarm.

    (11) Measure 21. At an early stage, inform members of local security committees of actions being taken. Explain reasons for actions.

    (12) Measure 22. Physically inspect visitors and randomly inspect their suitcases, parcels, and other containers. Identify the visitor's destination. Ensure that proper dignity is maintained, and if possible, ensure that female visitors are inspected only by a female qualified to conduct physical inspections.

    (13) Measure 23. Operate random patrols to check vehicles, people, and buildings.

    (14) Measure 24. Protect off-base military personnel and military vehicles in accordance with prepared plans. Remind drivers to lock vehicles and check vehicles before entering or exiting the vehicle.

    (15) Measure 25. Implement additional security measures for high-risk personnel as appropriate.

    (16) Measure 26. Brief personnel who may augment guard forces on the use of deadly force. Ensure that there is no misunderstanding of these instructions.

    (17) Measures 27. As appropriate, consult local authorities on the threat and mutual antiterrorism measures.

    (18) Measures 28 and 29. To be determined.

  6. THREATCON CHARLIE applies when an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating some form of terrorist action against personnel and facilities is imminent. Implementation of measures in this THREATCON for more than a short period probably will create hardship and affect the peacetime activities of the unit and its personnel.
  7. (1) Measure 30. Continue, or introduce, all measures listed in THREATCON BRAVO.

    (2) Measure 31. Keep all personnel responsible for implementing antiterrorist plans at their places of duty.

    (3) Measure 32. Limit access points to the absolute minimum.

    (4) Measure 33. Strictly enforce control of entry. Randomly search vehicles.

    (5) Measure 34. Enforce centralized parking of vehicles away from sensitive buildings.

    (6) Measure 35. Issue weapons to guards. Local orders should include specific orders on issue of ammunition.

    (7) Measure 36. Increase patrolling of the installation.

    (8) Measure 37. Protect all designated vulnerable points. Give special attention to vulnerable points outside the military establishment.

    (9) Measure 38. Erect barriers and obstacles to control traffic flow.

    (10) Measure 39. Consult local authorities about closing public (and military) roads and facilities that might make sites more vulnerable to attacks.

    (11) Measure 40. To be determined.

  8. THREATCON DELTA applies in the immediate area where a terrorist attack has occurred or when intelligence has been received that terrorist action against a specific location or person is likely. Normally, this THREATCON is declared as a localized condition.

(1) Measure 41. Continue, or introduce, all measures listed for THREATCONs BRAVO and CHARLIE.

(2) Measure 42. Augment guards as necessary.

(3) Measure 43. Identify all vehicles within operational or mission-support areas.

(4) Measure 44. Search all vehicles and their contents before allowing entrance to the installation.

(5) Measure 45. Control access and implement positive identification of all personnel--no exceptions.

(6) Measure 46. Search all suitcases, briefcases, packages; etc., brought into the installation.

(7) Measure 47. Control access to all areas under the jurisdiction of the United States.

(8) Measure 48. Make frequent checks of the exterior of buildings and of parking areas.

(9) Measure 49. Minimize all administrative journeys and visits.

(10) Measure 50. Coordinate the possible closing of public and military roads and facilities with local authorities.

(11) Measure 51. To be determined.


2. Shipboard Terrorist THREATCON Measures. The measures outlined below are for use aboard vessels and serve two purposes. First, the crew is alerted, additional watches are created, and there is greater security. Second, these measures display the ship's resolve to prepare for and counter the terrorist threat. These actions will convey to anyone observing the ship's activities that the ship is prepared, the ship is an undesirable target, and the terrorist(s) should look elsewhere for a vulnerable target. The measures outlined below do not account for local conditions and regulations or current threat intelligence. The ship's command must maintain flexibility. As threat conditions change, the ship's crew must be prepared to take actions to counter the threat. When necessary, additional measures must be taken immediately. The simple solution to THREATCON CHARLIE or DELTA is to get under way, but this option may not always be available.

  1. THREATCON ALPHA is declared when a general threat of possible terrorist activity is directed toward installations, vessels, and personnel, the nature and extent of which are unpredictable, and where circumstances do not justify full implementation of THREATCON BRAVO measures. However, it may be necessary to implement certain selected measures from THREATCON BRAVO as a result of intelligence received or as a deterrent. The measures in this threat condition must be capable of being maintained indefinitely.
  2. (1) Measure 1. Brief crew on the threat, ship security, and security precautions to be taken while ashore.

    (2) Measure 2. Muster and brief security personnel on the threat and rules of engagement.

    (3) Measure 3. Review security plans and keep them available. Keep on call key personnel who may be needed to implement security measures.

    (4) Measure 4. Consistent with local rules, regulations, and status of forces agreement, post qualified armed fantail sentry and forecastle sentry. Rifles are the preferred weapon.

    (5) Measure 5. Consistent with local rules, regulations, and SOFA, post qualified armed pier sentry and pier entrance sentry.

    (6) Measure 6. Issue two-way radios to all sentries, roving patrols, quarterdeck watch, and response force. If practical, all guards will be equipped with at least two systems of communication (e.g., two-way radio, telephone, whistle, or signal light).

    (7) Measure 7. Issue night vision devices to selected posted security personnel.

    (8) Measure 8. Coordinate pier and fleet landing security with collocated forces and local authorities. Identify anticipated needs for mutual support (security personnel, boats, and equipment) and define methods of activation and communication.

    (9) Measure 9. Tighten shipboard and pier access control procedures. Positively identify all personnel entering pier and fleet landing area--no exceptions.

    (10) Measure 10. Consistent with local rules, regulations, and SOFA, establish unloading zone(s) on the pier away from the ship.

    (11) Measure 11. Deploy barriers to keep vehicles away from the ship. Barriers may be ship's vehicles, equipment, or items available locally.

    (12) Measure 12. Post signs in local language(s) to explain visiting and loitering restrictions.

    (13) Measure 13. Inspect all vehicles entering pier and check for unauthorized personnel, weapons, and/or explosives.

    (14) Measure 14. Inspect all personnel, hand-carried items, and packages before they come aboard. Where possible, screening should be at the pier entrance or foot of brow.

    (15) Measure 15. Direct departing and arriving liberty boats to make a security tour around the ship and give special attention to the waterline and hull. Boats must be identifiable night and day to ship's personnel.

    (16) Measure 16. Water taxis, ferries, bum boats, and other harbor craft require special concern because they can serve as an ideal platform for terrorists. Unauthorized craft should be kept away from the ship; authorized craft should be carefully controlled, surveilled, and covered.

    (17) Measure 17. Identify and inspect workboats.

    (18) Measure 18. Secure spaces not in use.

    (19) Measure 19. Regulate shipboard lighting to best meet the threat environment. Lighting should include illumination of the waterline.

    (20) Measure 20. Rig hawsepipe covers and rat guards on all lines, cable, and hoses. Consider using an anchor collar.

    (21) Measure 21. Raise accommodation ladders, stern gates, jacob ladders, etc., when not in use. Clear ship of all unnecessary stages, camels, barges, oil donuts, and lines.

    (22) Measure 22. Conduct security drills to include bomb threat and repel boarders exercises.

    (23) Measure 23. Review individual actions in THREATCON BRAVO for possible implementation.

    (24) Measure 24. To be determined.

  3. THREATCON BRAVO is declared when an increased and more predictable threat of terrorist activity exists. The measures in this THREATCON must be capable of being maintained for weeks without causing undue hardships, without affecting operational capability, and without aggravating relations with local authorities.
  4. (1) Measure 25. Maintain appropriate THREATCON ALPHA measures.

    (2) Measure 26. Review liberty policy in light of the threat and revise it as necessary to maintain the safety and security of the ship and crew.

    (3) Measure 27. Conduct divisional quarters at foul weather parade to determine the status of on-board personnel and to disseminate information.

    (4) Measure 28. Ensure that an up-to-date list of bilingual personnel for the area of operations is readily available. Ensure the warning tape in the pilot house and/or quarterdeck that warns small craft to remain clear is in both the local language and English.

    (5) Measure 29. Remind all personnel to: (a) be suspicious and inquisitive of strangers, particularly those carrying suitcases or other containers; (b) be alert for abandoned parcels or suitcases; (c) be alert for unattended vehicles in the vicinity; (d) be wary of any unusual activities; and (e) notify the duty officer of anything suspicious.

    (6) Measure 30. Remind personnel to lock their parked vehicles and to carefully check them before entering.

    (7) Measure 31. Designate and brief picket boat crews. Prepare boats and place crews on 15-minute alert. If the situation warrants, make random picket boat patrols in the immediate vicinity of the ship with the motor whaleboat or gig. Boat crews will be armed with M16 rifles, one M60 with 200 rounds of ammunition, and 10 concussion grenades.

    (8) Measure 32. Consistent with local rules, regulations, and SOFA, establish armed brow watch on pier to check identification and inspect baggage before personnel board ship.

    (9) Measure 33. Man signal bridge or pilot house and ensure flares are available to ward off approaching craft.

    (10) Measure 34. After working hours, place armed sentries on a superstructure level from which they can best cover areas about the ship.

    (11) Measure 35. Arm all members of the quarterdeck watch and SAT. In the absence of a SAT, arm two members of the SDF.

    (12) Measure 36. Provide shotgun and ammunition to quarterdeck. If the situation warrants, place sentry with shotgun inside the superstructure at a site from which the quarterdeck can be covered.

    (13) Measure 37. Issue arms to selected qualified officers to include Command Duty Officer (CDO) and Assistant Command Duty Officer (ACDO).

    (14) Measure 38. Arm Sounding and Security Patrol.

    (15) Measure 39. Muster and brief ammunition bearers or messengers.

    (16) Measure 40. Implement procedures for expedient issue of firearms and ammunition from small arms locker (SAL). Ensure a set of SAL keys are readily available and in the possession of an officer designated for this duty by the commanding officer.

    (17) Measure 41. Load additional small arms magazines to ensure adequate supply for security personnel and response forces.

    (18) Measure 42. Inform local authorities of actions taken as the THREATCON increases.

    (19) Measure 43. Test communications with local authorities and other US Navy ships in port.

    (20) Measure 44. Instruct watches to conduct frequent random searches under piers, with emphasis on potential hiding places, pier pilings, and floating debris.

    (21) Measure 45. Conduct searches of the ship's hull and boats at intermittent intervals and immediately before it puts to sea.

    (22) Measure 46. Move cars and objects such as crates and trash containers 100 feet from the ship.

    (23) Measure 47. Hoist boats aboard when not in use.

    (24) Measure 48. Terminate all public visits.

    (25) Measure 49. Set materiel condition YOKE, main deck and below.

    (26) Measure 50. After working hours, reduce entry points to the ship's interior by securing selected entrances from the inside.

    (27) Measure 51. Duty department heads ensure all spaces not in regular use are secured and inspected periodically.

    (28) Measure 52. If two brows are rigged, remove one of them.

    (29) Measure 53. Maintain capability to get under way on short notice or as specified by SOP. Consider

    possible relocation sites (different pier, anchorage, etc.). Rig brow and accommodation ladder for immediate raising or removal.

    (30) Measure 54. Ensure .50-caliber mount assemblies are in place with ammunition in ready service lockers (.50-caliber machineguns will be maintained in the armory, prefire checks completed, and ready for use).

    (31) Measure 55. Prepare fire hoses. Brief designated personnel on procedures for repelling boarders, small boats, and ultralight aircraft.

    (32) Measure 56. Obstruct possible helicopter landing areas in such a manner as to prevent hostile helicopters from landing.

    (33) Measure 57. Review riot and crowd control procedures, asylum-seeker procedures, and bomb threat procedures.

    (34) Measure 58. Monitor local communications (e.g., ship-to-ship, TV, radio, police scanners).

    (35) Measure 59. Implement additional security measures for high-risk personnel as appropriate.

    (36) Measure 60. Review individual actions in THREATCON CHARLIE for possible implementation.

    (37) Measures 61 and 62. To be determined.

  5. THREATCON CHARLIE is declared when an incident occurs or intelligence is received indicating that some form of terrorist action against installations, vessels, or personnel is imminent. Implementation of this THREATCON for more than a short period will probably create hardship and will affect the peacetime activities of the ship and its personnel.
  6. (1) Measure 63. Maintain appropriate measures for THREATCONs ALPHA and BRAVO.

    (2) Measure 64. Cancel liberty. Execute emergency recall.

    (3) Measure 65. Be prepared to get under way on one 1 hour's notice or less. If conditions warrant, request permission to sortie.

    (4) Measure 66. Muster and arm SAT, BAF, and reserve force (RF). Position SAT and BAF at designated location(s). Deploy RF to protect command structure and augment posted security watches.

    (5) Measure 67. Place armed sentries on a superstructure level from which they can best cover areas about the ship.

    (6) Measure 68. Establish .50- or .30-caliber machinegun positions.

    (7) Measure 69. If available, deploy STINGER surface-to-air missiles IAW established ROE.

    (8) Measure 70. Energize radar and establish watch.

    (9) Measure 71. Ships with high-power sonars operate actively for random periods to deter underwater activity. Man passive sonar capable of detecting boats, swimmers, or underwater vehicles. Position any non-sonar-equipped ships within the acoustic envelope of sonar-equipped ships.

    (10) Measure 72. Man one or more repair lockers. Establish communications with an extra watch in DC Central.

    (11) Measure 73. Deploy picket boat. Boats should be identifiable night and day from the ship (e.g., by lights or flags).

    (12) Measure 74. If feasible, deploy a helicopter as an observation or gun platform. The helicopter should be identifiable night and day from the ship.

    (13) Measure 75. Activate antiswimmer watch. (Portions of watch may already be implemented by previous THREATCON measures).

    (14) Measure 76. Issue weapons to selected officers and chief petty officers in the duty section (i.e., the commanding officer, executive officer, department heads).

    (15) Measure 77. Issue concussion grenades to topside rovers, forecastle and fantail sentries, and bridge watch.

    (16) Measure 78. Erect barriers and obstacles as required to control traffic flow.

    (17) Measure 79. Strictly enforce entry control procedures and searches--no exceptions.

    (18) Measure 80. Enforce boat exclusion zone.

    (19) Measure 81. Minimize all off-ship administrative trips.

    (20) Measure 82. Discontinue contract work.

    (21) Measure 83. Set materiel condition ZEBRA, second deck and below.

    (22) Measure 84. Secure from the inside all unguarded entry points to the interior of the ship.

    (23) Measure 85. Rotate screws and cycle rudder(s) at frequent and irregular intervals.

    (24) Measure 86. Rig additional firehoses. Charge the firehoses when manned just prior to actual use.

    (25) Measure 87. Review individual actions in THREATCON DELTA for implementation.

    (26) Measure 88. To be determined.

  7. THREATCON DELTA is declared when a terrorist attack has occurred in the immediate area or intelligence has been received that indicates a terrorist action against a specific location or person is likely. Normally, this THREATCON is declared as a localized warning.

(1) Measure 89. Maintain appropriate THREATCONs ALPHA, BRAVO, and CHARLIE measures.

(2) Measure 90. Permit only necessary personnel topside.

(3) Measure 91. Prepare to get under way and, if possible, cancel port visit and depart.

(4) Measure 92. Post sentries with M60 machinegun(s) to cover possible helicopter landing areas.

(5) Measure 93. Arm selected personnel of the SDF.

(6) Measure 94. Deploy M-79 grenade launchers to cover approaches to ship.

(7) Measure 95. To be determined.


3. General. In addition to basic THREATCON procedures, a variety of other tasks may need to be performed at aviation facilities. This is particularly true for airbases located in areas where the threat of terrorist attacks is high.

  2. (1) Planning

    (a) Review THREATCONs ALPHA and BRAVO measures.

    (b) Update THREATCONs ALPHA and BRAVO measures as required.

    (2) Briefing and Liaison

    (a) Brief all personnel on the threat, especially pilots, ground support crews, and air traffic controllers.

    (b) Inform local police of the threat. Coordinate plans to safeguard aircraft flight paths into and out of air stations.

    (c) Ensure duty officers are always available by telephone.

    (d) Prepare to activate contingency plans and issue detailed air traffic control procedures if appropriate.

    (e) Be prepared to receive and direct aircraft from other stations.

    (3) Precautions Inside the Perimeter

    (a) Perform thorough and regular inspection of areas within the perimeters from which attacks on aircraft can be made.

    (b) Take action to ensure no extremists armed with surface-to-air missiles can operate against aircraft within the perimeter.

    (c) Establish checkpoints at all entrances and inspect all passes and permits. Identify documents of individuals entering the area--no exceptions.

    (d) Search all vehicles, briefcases, packages, etc., entering the area.

    (e) Erect barriers around potential targets if at all possible.

    (f) Maintain firefighting equipment and conduct practice drills.

    (g) Hold practice alerts within the perimeter.

    (4) Precautions Outside the Perimeter

    (a) Conduct, with local police, regular inspections of the perimeter--especially the area adjacent to flight paths.

    (b) Advise the local police of any areas outside the perimeter where attacks could be mounted and that cannot be avoided by aircraft on takeoff or landing.

    (c) Advise aircrews to report any unusual activity near approach and overshoot areas.

  4. (1) Planning

    (a) Review THREATCON CHARLIE measures.

    (b) Update THREATCON CHARLIE measures as required.

    (2) Briefing and Liaison

    (a) Brief all personnel on the increased threat.

    (b) Inform local police of increased threat.

    (c) Coordinate with the local police on any precautionary measures taken outside the airfield's perimeters.

    (d) Implement appropriate flying countermeasures specified in SOPs when directed by air traffic controllers.

    (3) Precautions Inside the Perimeter

    (a) Inspect all vehicles and buildings on a regular basis.

    (b) Detail additional guards to be on call at short notice and consider augmenting firefighting details.

    (c) Carry out random patrols within the airfield perimeter and maintain continuous observation of approach and overshoot areas.

    (d) Reduce flying to essential operational flights only. Cease circuit flying if appropriate.

    (e) Escort all visitors.

    (f) Close relief landing grounds where appropriate.

    (g) Check airfield diversion state.

    (4) Precautions Outside the Perimeter

    (a) Be prepared to react to requests for assistance.

    (b) Provide troops to assist local police in searching for terrorists on approaches outside the perimeter of military airfields.


(1) Planning

(a) Review THREATCON DELTA measures.

(b) Update THREATCON DELTA measures as required.

(2) Briefings and Liaison

(a) Brief all personnel on the very high levels of threat.

(b) Inform local police of the increased threat.

(3) Precautions Inside the Perimeter

(a) Cease all flying except for specifically authorized operational sorties.

(b) Implement, if necessary, appropriate flying countermeasures.

(c) Be prepared to accept aircraft diverted from other stations.

(d) Be prepared to deploy light aircraft and helicopters for surveillance tasks or to move internal security forces.

(4) Precautions Outside the Perimeter. Close military roads allowing access to the airbase.

11-13-1996; 13:57:20