Figure I-15

TSC System Operator Course

CIN: J-210-0363
Attendees: E3-E9 AW personnel en route to TSC sites
Course Location: FCTCLANT Dam Neck, VA
Course Length: 7 weeks
Class Size: 12
Prerequisite Training: Course is part of either an Acoustic Pipeline, CIN: D-210-0300, or a Non-Acoustic Pipeline, CIN: D-210-0301.   Attendees must first attend courses at FASOTRAGRULANT.  Which course depends on the specific pipeline.
NEC Awarded: AW-7835 (Acoustic) following completion of all segments of pipeline D-210-0300, or AW 7836 (Non-acoustic) following completion of all segments of pipeline D-210-0301.
Course Description: To train personnel in TSC display, acoustic, and associated equipment operation with an emphasis on ELINT applications.
Convening Frequency: 5 times per year
Security Clearance: SECRET
RFT Date: Ongoing

TSC System Operator Pipeline

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